Doktor S wrote:kickycan wrote:Doktor S wrote:Quote:
Which proves my point actually, that if there's a question about using a term (as to whether it might offend or not) it's probably a good idea to just not use it.
Maybe if you're completely pussified.
Words are just words, and someones freedom to say them are in my opinion infinitely more important than any effect they may have.
Restricting freedom of speech in any way is a very slippery and treacherous slope.
Censoring oneself in order to better communicate with others is not restricting free speech.
I agree, the key term there being 'oneself'. Pressure from the outside is something different.
I'm not sure what you mean by pressure from the outside. We are talking here about conversations with regular people, after all, and not legal restrictions, aren't we? How certain words are offensive to certain people, and, whether or not one cares enough about those particular people to stop using those words/terms? I'm talking about just societal pressure here, not anything legislative. Are you arguing that one should never conform to anything outside themselves?
Doktor S wrote:Quote:
Is it also okay with you for someone to yell "fire" in a crowded theater? Is that just a word too?
Ok insofar as you are willing to pay the concequences.
My point exactly. Words have consequences. To put it another way, words are not just words. If you want to belong to any group, you sometimes have to succumb to the will of that group.
You wouldn't go running into a catholic church on Easter sunday with your pants down around your ankles screaming, "Jesus eats maggot ****!!!", would you? Even if you really wanted to, you wouldn't...okay, so maybe you'd toss the idea around awhile first before abandoning it...but in the end, you'd censor yourself. Why? Because words have consequences.
Are we in agreement?