Perplexed, I think the people on this board are very critical and cynical of all Religions. I think it has a lot to due with the part religion has played in the worlds condition. When people precent themselves more as a member of a Religion rather then as a person almost every time that person serves as a promoter or recruiter for that religion.
Out of all Religions the people that come here representing Islam have demonstrated the worst of people in religions (not meant to offend) . But then I guess that is understandable considering they have been attacked by the world as a whole unfairly in almost every way.
Perhaps if you stick around you will see that we have both been misunderstood. At least some of us.
I was under the impression that this was a religion board, I believe the name for it is "Spirituality and Religion". Why are these people here if they are so negative about religion in general?
Perplexed, it is not a religious board. There is a Religion and Spirituality forum. One would think that that would be a place for various religions to have civil discussion.
Unforunately that is very far from the truth. In fact, many who start these threads do so to incite and ridicule the religious. Many others like to ridicule the posters and their discussion. Of course, there are those who are sincerely interested in the threads.
Because they want to talk about religion.
If you think, for whatever reason, that religion exerts an unduly great, and strongly negative influence on society or politics, then you'll want to discuss that - just like those who think it exerts a strongly positive influence will want to discuss that. Both perspectives centre on the role of religion, and thus will centre around the Religion forum.
And then there's those who are just looking for a fight.
Perplexed, would you prefer comments and discussion only from members of your own faith? Or just Christians? If so, why? Your thread title does seem to imply otherwise.
roger wrote:Perplexed, would you prefer comments and discussion only from members of your own faith? Or just Christians? If so, why? Your thread title does seem to imply otherwise.
I'm just trying to understand. It would be nice to find a board devoted SOLELY to religious discussion, which would HOPEFULLY mean that the posting audience would be mostly believers (in whatever religion) as well as those atheists who honestly want to put forward their views and debate, and not just troublemakers wanting to start fights, insult, and generally act like un-supervised children on a big playground.
Perplexed wrote:I was under the impression that this was a religion board, I believe the name for it is "Spirituality and Religion". Why are these people here if they are so negative about religion in general?
Some want to talk, Some like to debate, Some like to belittle you, some like to fight with people to no end and some just hate Islam.
You are entering a study in sociology.
Whelp the ways I figure,
you gotta be agin sumpin,
else how ya'll gonna know what yer fer?
So I'm'aginst Molson's.
Perplexed has been properly baptized. Hope she/he stays around for Sunday dinner.
He/she is our best Muslim so far.
No need to continue in your perplexity. As I told MA when she first joined the board, if you want to sharpen your rhetorical skills, you should practice on unbelievers. Consider this ancient advice:
Solomon wrote: By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another. (Proverbs 27:17)
As for kefir, I find it tastes much like a yogurt milkshake.
Right you are Neo! I remember that very well.
Perplexed, there are many different kinds of people in this world. Some we get along with and some we don't. Some will like you for whatever reason and some won't like you for whatever reason.
You stick to what you believe. Don't worry about what others say about it. It only matters what God thinks about it anyway.
Peace be with you.
Perplexed don't stick to what you believe. Stick to what you can prove is right.
Worry about what others say when they make sense.
Perplexed don't stick to what you believe. Stick to what you can prove is right.
Worry about what others say when they make sense.
Lash wrote:Perplexed has been properly baptized. Hope she/he stays around for Sunday dinner.
He/she is our best Muslim so far.

haha, thank you very much.
Momma Angel wrote:Figured that was worth saying twice, eh Chumly?
Given that belief without reason is ignorance. Ignorance meaning lack of knowledge or understanding.
You might need to say it again!
Perplexed wrote:roger wrote:Perplexed, would you prefer comments and discussion only from members of your own faith? Or just Christians? If so, why? Your thread title does seem to imply otherwise.
I'm just trying to understand. It would be nice to find a board devoted SOLELY to religious discussion, which would HOPEFULLY mean that the posting audience would be mostly believers (in whatever religion) as well as those atheists who honestly want to put forward their views and debate, and not just troublemakers wanting to start fights, insult, and generally act like un-supervised children on a big playground.
Well, I came to ask a question, not wanting to start a fight or insult anyone. I take your insulting comment about un-supervised children to heart and leave your great big playground.