George fears the rolling pin.
I am in deep respect of anyone who can use a Chinese cooking knife with
the skill and dexterity of The Lovely Bride.
What's more, she can stay awake longer than I can.
You have made a wise decision.
Thank you, I revere your wisdom.
Take the Lovely Bride with you. Caesar is plenty handsome to lay eyes on for an hour and a half.
or, you can just tell the Lovely Bride what all of my friends tell their girlfriends: don't mind her, she plays in a gay theatre and she was the president of the Gay and Lesbian League of Slovakia. If you don't add I'm straight, she'll never know.
You never cease to amaze, girl.
well, i try my damnedest.
"mysterious maraka" they called her, because she never failed to shock and amaze the adoring masses...
nah, not mysterious at all. When I was working with a human rights group there in 2000, gay and lesbian groups united in this League. They however had no clue about how to get their issues into the Parliament's and Government's agenda (there was absolutely NO protection, not even a mention of rights of gays and lesbians at the time, legally theu didn't exist) - so I was helping them get into the parliamentary committee (hehe, i typed vomittee) for human rights and minorities, and Vice-Prime Minister's Office for human rights.... and they made me a president for the first month of their existence. It's still a running joke with my friends.
Well, this isn't me, it's our choreographer, but this is my slut dance - and it will ultimately be me.... I'll post pics of real me when I have them.
as well as this, heh. hehe.
i'll have some better outfit on ;-)
Did Roman sluts have sequins? Or did they use fish scales?
Yep, yep, yep.
Definitely qualifies as a slut dance.
holy mother of jesus. seven hours of rehearsal today, dancing most of the time. i can barely crawl, i have bruises and scratches everywhere. i am exhausted. our roommate has a guest here and he's little, well, what is he. not demanding, just kinda overly polite maybe? waits for everything to be handed to him, doesn't ask for anything, so i have to keep asking: would you like some tea? would you care for a snack? this? that? so my entire saturday has gone down the drains between serving the guest breakfast and chatting about nothing (roommate who's guest it is was not here, so he essentially became my guest), then rehearsal, now i'm dead. grrr. they just stepped out for dinner, thank merciful lord, cause i need silence and darkness, lots of it.
end of whining.