I was about to say the same thing that Region Philbis already said.
Artistically speaking, being promoted to Caesar's slut is a sign of repect for your talent, dagmaraka.
dagmaraka wrote:I am Caesar's slut!
Can't find the sig line thread....
going crazy. all i hear in my head is the musical songs, all i want to do is be at rehearsals...and i have to work, file taxes, and all that. what will i do once this is over?

i think it's highly addictive.
Well, at least I can safely say the company is now accustomed to my dorkiness. They know to expect excel charts from me - even for choreography.
And they ain't helpin. Just now one crew member sent 'inspirational words' from Caesar himself: "Vidi, vici, veni" he said..... Impossible for me to leave alone. I have just sent a longish email to everyone explaining that "Veni vidi vici (not Vidi vici veni)" is a statement he called when he took over Asia Minor in a sweeping victory and that it means I came, I saw, I won.... although I saw, I won, I came is meaningful too...but let's not go there.... I mean, honestly, why do most of them, probably including the director, have no clue about the basic history of Caesar. I forgot a lot, but sure enough when I got in, I read up on his life... isn't that natural? Arrrrrrgh. Am I building myself up as a laughing stock for everybody? eh, forget it, that's not even a question. That won't change, so be it.
Dag, sweetie, maybe you should get some kneepads? Being a slut is tough on the knees...
i thought of that. i do have some volleyball kneepads (i forget why or where), but that may be the right thing to do. yeah, where the heck are they? basement, i guess. why did i ever buy them? never played volleyball.... OH! i know, when i was learning snowboarding... it was icy, my knees were black, blue , and gigantic, so i bought those for the next time. there never was next time. i'm done with snowboarding forever. but wouldn't you know, i may just use those suckers now.... Grand!
Veni, vidi, me genibus laesi.
(I came, I saw, I hurt my knees.)
Now THAT would make a rockin' tattoo...!
Soz, I just read your quote of mac11 on the sig thread.
Then I glanced over at that silly ad sidebar on the left.
It said "Get the facts about gential herpes."
I sense a theme building.
what was the mac11 quote?
hehe, brilliant. Spoken like a pro!
dagmaraka wrote:hehe, brilliant. Spoken like a pro!
That's me, I'm a pro from way back.
wandeljw wrote:Artistically speaking, being promoted to Caesar's slut is a sign of repect for your talent, dagmaraka.
I panicked after reading mac's quote. I need to clarify that I meant
show business talent.
:-) I would not assume otherwise, wandel.