Liberalism is Not Conducive to Happiness

Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 04:35 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Roxxxane has adopted The Governator's "girly men" stale joke.

Which is as offensive as her "Karl Rove is gay" joke.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 05:29 pm
You got that right -- the humor eludes me.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 06:01 pm
so let me get this straight...

george will goes out of his way to concieve and then write an attack piece about the people he cannot stand... because he..is..happy ?
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 06:15 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Perhaps you missed this paragraph in Will's piece:
"Such puzzles show why social science is not for amateurs. Still, one cannot -- yet -- be prosecuted for committing theory without a license, so consider a few explanations of the happiness gap." He wasn't claiming any authority on this subject. He was making a personal observation.

Yes, his personal observations are part of what I dubbed "(gratuitous) interpretation".

The only thing beyond speculatory and partisan interpretation we have here, in this thread, the only thing relatively solid to go on, is a research that shows that people who call themselves conservatives more frequently describe themselves, and have done so for decades, as "very happy". In general, not specifically re: the political context.

Foxfyre wrote:
For all these pages now, however, the liberals have been mostly taking shots at the messenger(s) rather than considering whether the message had any merit. And so far, only eBrown has offered a theory to dispute it. It is that phenomenon that causes conservatives to think of liberals as angry, accusatory, dissatisfied people and, yes, unhappy people.

You sound awfully angry, accusatory and dissatisfied there Fox.

Foxfyre wrote:
You also presume to be judge and jury of what the rest of us are all about don't you? Are not most of your own postings directly targeted at one of us conservative types and aren't they usually quite negative, judgmental, or even insulting?

Nope. Something like half of my 'political' posts centre on the International News, Europe, etc forums, where the mood tends to be a lot less sour and combative, and more information-oriented, than on the US-Politics threads - and my mood tends to adapt right along with it.

In fact, my guess is that your experience of your liberal fellow-posters sounding angry, bitter and snide - and their experience of you sounding exactly the same - has a lot to do with hanging out near exclusively on US Politics threads. American politics is simply extremely polarised and bitter at this time, and the posts in the threads about it reflect that.

In any case, only about a third of my posts are about politics, period (yes, I'm counting - you're a nerd or not). The rest tends to range from odd, lame and wistful to flippant, cheerful and uncomfortably personal.

Like I told McG when he tried to stick the same thing to me; come to my What Made You Smile Today thread sometime, you'll find lots of happy posts, from me and many others.

Thing is, nobody is obliged to visit other forums than Politics. McG rarely does; plus, he posts almosts only on US politics. But considering that the net result is that most of his posts here tend to range from snarly to smug, there is simply a striking irony in him then posting a thread about how much happier conservatives are than liberals (with even the thread itself being mostly a demonstration of smugness rather than cheer). As duly pointed out.

The same goes for George Will, obviously (hiya DTOM)

Foxfyre wrote:
What facts? What facts are necessary to have a philosophical discussion? Is the idea of discussing a philosophy or idea that foreign to you?.

I'm admittedly not much of a philosopher, but just about familiar enough to submit that philosophical conjecturing on the basis of an erroneous assumption is unlikely to yield quality insight.

In this case therefore, before much further conjecturing is undertaken, it is worthwhile to point out that the research Will evokes doesnt actually provide any basis for the speculations on the liberal character he uses it for.

That basically reduces his column to another exercise in liberal-bashing/baiting - "philosophical discussion" it's not.

Foxfyre wrote:
When we first started exchanging posts, you were able to see the big picture on many subjects. You were even capable of seeing opposing points of view and I enjoyed your thoughtful analysis of them. Who have you been hanging out with lately that causes you to now see that as a 'last resort to those who don't care to get their facts straight'?.

My posts havent changed much, Fox. I have, in the meantime, though, several times challenged you on ideas and assertions that I considered wrong quite relentlessly, and you have clearly indicated how offended you were at my relentlessness.

That might have more to do with your changed perception of me.

Foxfyre wrote:
No I'm not joking at all. If you're going to gig McG on his occasional pointed one-liners, then you should at least be decent enough to gig the many liberal members who engage in that activity.

I do actually. <shrugs>

Foxfyre wrote:
And frankly, sir, you do not have the moral authority to judge anybody on courtesy given your custom of regularly 'putting down' those of us you evidentally have decided are unworthy as your intellectual equals.

I did not judge, I observed; pretty much in exactly the same vein as you are now observing about me.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 09:23 pm
nimh wrote:
The same goes for George Will, obviously (hiya DTOM)

hey nimh. like the new avatar, pretty funny !

this whole thing is totally bizarre. i just barely scanned the report(pew). and it's been kinda spun.

1) it does claim that reps are happier than dems.

2) it says that people with kids are no happier than those without.

3) it does say that those with incomes over 150k are happier; by 50%

4) it also says that only 34% are "very happy".

i'm sure that means something, yet i can't put my finger on it... :wink:
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 10:20 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
You got that right -- the humor eludes me.

The humor eludes you becaue you are not the one defending yourself from the vicious innuendos.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 10:20 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Lightwizard wrote:
Roxxxane has adopted The Governator's "girly men" stale joke.

Which is as offensive as her "Karl Rove is gay" joke.

Blame Janeane Garafalo.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 10:31 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Lightwizard wrote:
You got that right -- the humor eludes me.

The humor eludes you becaue you are not the one defending yourself from the vicious innuendos.

And the fact that you don't understand the context.

"Don't criticize what you don't understand."
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 07:38 am
Thing is, nobody is obliged to visit other forums than Politics. McG rarely does; plus, he posts almosts only on US politics. But considering that the net result is that most of his posts here tend to range from snarly to smug, there is simply a striking irony in him then posting a thread about how much happier conservatives are than liberals (with even the thread itself being mostly a demonstration of smugness rather than cheer). As duly pointed out.

Your perception is obviously skewed. What you see as smug other find informing or humorous. That you feel the need to deride my posts as smug or snarly while at the same time refusing to make equal comments on Bears, Dys's, Kickycans, and so many others here that feel that can post little on-liners that reek of smugness gives you very little room to act as a good judge in this matter.

It is for this reason that I discount your comments as little more than those of another bitter liberal from a foreign country blinded by your addiction to your own political agenda.

good day.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 08:23 am
McGentrix wrote:
Thing is, nobody is obliged to visit other forums than Politics. McG rarely does; plus, he posts almosts only on US politics. But considering that the net result is that most of his posts here tend to range from snarly to smug, there is simply a striking irony in him then posting a thread about how much happier conservatives are than liberals (with even the thread itself being mostly a demonstration of smugness rather than cheer). As duly pointed out.

Your perception is obviously skewed. What you see as smug other find informing or humorous. That you feel the need to deride my posts as smug or snarly while at the same time refusing to make equal comments on Bears, Dys's, Kickycans, and so many others here that feel that can post little on-liners that reek of smugness gives you very little room to act as a good judge in this matter.

It is for this reason that I discount your comments as little more than those of another bitter liberal from a foreign country blinded by your addiction to your own political agenda.

good day.

Isn't it a hoot that those who are most angry, critical, judgmental are obviously the most bothered by a philosophical observation from a syndicated writer? And in typical liberal fashion, the only ammunition they have to deal with it is to try to make others look worse. Smile
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 08:30 am
Nimh, I'm not going to respond blow by blow to your last post directed to me. I see your responses as nonresponsive and as reinforcing my comments. I accept that you don't see that. And since you say (again) that my style of participation on A2K is below your standards, and you deny that you're being judgmental while making personal judgment after judgment after judgment, I'll just drop it and not hijack the thread further.

I'll also wish you a good day.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:21 am
I didn't read his comments as judgmental at all. Yours, however...

Isn't it a hoot that those who are most angry, critical, judgmental are obviously the most bothered by a philosophical observation from a syndicated writer? And in typical liberal fashion, the only ammunition they have to deal with it is to try to make others look worse.

As for McG crying about nimh not taking Bear and others to task, the exchange between the two of you didn't mention those people. Whether or not his observations are true for others as well doesn't change the fact that they are accurate regarding him. And I agree with his observation of McG's contributions -- nothing personal, McG. Sometimes they are funny in a sardonic way, but rarely are they informative. I'm not knocking that -- it takes all kinds of contribution to keep conversations going, and often his one liners provide those of us who do have something to contribute with an opening to do so.

But when I think of people on A2K who come across as "very happy", I'd think of nimh before I thought of either of you. Again, that's not a personal insult, just an observation. And I accept that the way people come across in posts does not always accurately reflect what they intended.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:28 am
Well the fact remains FD, that its the liberals, who don't express observable happiness, who do tend to attack, criticize, take issue with, etc. the conservative members rather than express why they think the thesis of the thread is inaccurate. In other words, they are mostly trying to make the conservatives look unhappy and miserable as if that somehow makes the thesis go away.

I don't know whether Nimh is happy or not and would not presume to make that judgment. I do know his postings directed at conservatives do not reflect what I would define as happy views. I'm sure the liberals think he is terrific because he doesn't do that to them.

I will admit that I worded my quoted comment in a way that does appear to be judgmental. I can't take it back because I do believe it is true. But, I'll try to watch that better.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:32 am
McGentrix wrote:
That you feel the need to deride my posts as smug or snarly while at the same time refusing to make equal comments on Bears, Dys's, Kickycans, and so many others here

Nonsense McG, I've taken on liberal counterparts of yours plenty of times too, and you know it (and so does Fox). (That includes Bear, tho I'd say your counteroparts otherwise are rather Anon or Amigo than Dys.)

Funny thing though: whoever you take on, they will always whine that the other side does it too, and why dont you say something about them? And then when you do, those people in turn will say, well look at the others, they do it too, why dont you...! Its kinda like the cop who will always be told, whether he takes on speeders or bicycle thieves, "shouldnt you be out catching real criminals?"

My bad side: I'm an anal corrector of erroneousnesses; and I tend to lecture to people who behave inanely.

My good side: I'm an equal opportunity provider of those traits. So no reason for the victim mentality to rear its whiny head.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:33 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I'm sure the liberals think he is terrific because he doesn't do that to them.

I'm not sure what liberals think, but for a Green he is really excellent.

Seriously, I never made my judgements here about a poster just and only because he attacks someone or what political opinions she or he may have.

And neither, if her or his responses seem to sound happy as well.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:36 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I'm sure the liberals think he is terrific because he doesn't do that to them.

I'm not sure what liberals think, but for a Green he is really excellent.

Seriously, I never made my judgements here about a poster just and only because he attacks someone or what political opinions she or he may have.

And neither, if her or his responses seem to sound happy as well.

Well that's probably a good policy, Walter. But the thesis of the thread is based on a Pew poll and George Will's philosophical observations about it re whether conservatives or liberals are more happy. So we almost have to discuss that to participate on this thread and stay on topic.

I found the subject intriguing and it would have been interesting to discuss if members could just focus on the thesis instead of each other.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:37 am

Good advice there, Fox!

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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:38 am
Thanks Soz. And I'll wish you all a great day as I have to get out of here and get mine started.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:39 am
Well, Walter, your avatar reveals you as very happy or did you have to say "cheese."

The whole debate as to what group of people are happy or unhappy is bogus, an interpretation of subjective generalizations posed by a deadhead pundit.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:40 am
That's okay, but it was you who wrote me quote above and I just responded to that.

I'm not happy that YOU may say this and write that, while others .... especially those from the "liberal' fraction .... have to follow certain 'rules' you point at when such happens.
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