Re: Liberalism is Not Conducive to Happiness
okie wrote:I think we've had this conversation before. I guess to be frank, one of my pet peeves is the press talking about the political opinions of celebrities. My reaction is, why? Why not go ask a bunch of plumbers or carpenters? Their opinions would be worth just as much. So if actors and celebrities are going to thrust themselves into causes and political movements, then I figure I can comment on it. Thats all. And as far as a fairly certain stereotype, the celebrities pretty much fit the liberal mold. That should not be a criticism if you are liberal. It is simply an observation.
okay, okie. thanks for giving me a more fullsome understanding of your thoughts. and you are not completely off base, btw. a huge chunk of the industry, such as carpenters, gaffers, riggers, drivers, electricians and even businees people are pretty damn conservative. not all but a lot. even some actors.
however ("oh sh*t, he's not gonna drop it yet", okie thinks to himself.

), plumbers and every other type of person
does get asked about the same things all of the time. the various outlets call them by assorted names; "the average american", "mainstream america", etc.
and they can say the same thing without the stigma and derision that gets heaped on hollywood.