Liberalism is Not Conducive to Happiness

Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 12:41 pm
i'm thinking about puppy dogs and pretty flowers! if i were any happier, i'd be two people!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 05:54 pm
Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstep
Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street

Can't you hear the pitter-pat
And that happy tune is your step
Life can be complete
On the sunny side of the street

I used to walk in the shade with my blues on parade
But I'm not afraid...this rover? s crossed over

If I never had a cent
I'd be rich as rockefeller
Gold dust at my feet
On the sunny side of the street

(instrumental break)

I used to walk in the shade with them blues on parade
Now I'm not afraid... this rover has crossed over

Now if I never made one cent
I? ll still be rich as rockefeller
There will be goldust at my feet
On the sunny
On the sunny, sunny side of the street
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 05:59 pm
I'm kindof a mix today. Some things that make me deeply happy and grateful ... some others that still kinda make me edgy. (Neither is about politics ;-))

Meanwhile, I went and bought two books on a whim yesterday - I've been postponing buying a book I really want for weeks now because of money, and now I just went out and bought two other ones on impulse. They're funny tho. One is just freaky; it's called The Book of Lists. Totally random lists about all kinds of things. Somewhere between Supergeek and Monty Python.

Anyway, what caught my eye on a page that was about politics but a quote from George Will, author of the article this thread started with. It's in the 21 Bad Predictions section, just before the 10 Funguses that Changed History.

George Will wrote:
Liberalisation is a ploy ... the Wall will remain.

That was from a column that he wrote for the Washington Post ... of November 9, 1989.

Later that very day, the Berlin Wall fell.

Shocked Razz
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 06:29 pm

I an ecstatic today.....

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 06:38 pm
Butter spread liberally on raisin toast often makes me happy.

mrs. hamburger's 75th birthday is on Saturday. I believe she may have voted Liberal on occasion, and I know she's dang happy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 06:45 pm
Pack up all my care and woe
Here I go, singing low
Bye bye blackbird
Where somebody waits for me
Sugar's sweet, so is she
Bye bye blackbird
No one here can love or understand me
Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light
I'll arrive late tonight
Blackbird, bye bye

Bye bye blackbird

Bye bye blackbird

No one here can love or understand me
Oh, oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light
I'll arrive late tonight
Blackbird, Blackbird , Blackbird bye bye

Goodbye, blackbird
I'm gonna miss ya
I'm gonna miss ya, Blackbird
Ya hear dat?
I'm gonna follow you soon
Wherever you go, why I'll follow you
There's someone waiting out there for me, where you're leading
I can see you flappin' your wings now
You're calling me
I hear you calling me
I hear ya! I hear ya!
I'm coming! I'm coming!
I'm almost here
She's there waiting for me
Oh, how wonderful she looks
Oh how marvelous, blackbird
Here! Here!
Flap your wings, flap 'em! Flap 'em! Whistle to me!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:57 pm
I was struck by this today. Look at the titles and subjects headlining today's Commondreams opinion column... Don't see a lot of happiness there.

Thursday, March 2
Sarah Anderson:
Harry Truman Wouldn't Stand For It

Rick Steves:
The Real Threat to US Security

Pauline Hickey:
Mr. Blair, You Sent My Son to Die In A War Based On Lies

Mark Engler:
CAFTA's Corpse Revived

Warren Stewart:
Do You Know How Your Vote Will Be Counted?

Joyce Marcel:
US and China: Two Capitalisms

Joanne Mariner:
Sex, Violence, and Military Justice

David Michael Green:
We Are All Harry Whittingtons

Jay Bookman:
Iraq Plan Spells Doom; So Does Civil War

John Nichols:
Support the Troops? Start By Listening to Them

Ted Rall:
The Other Bad War: More Torture in Occupied Afghanistan

Jim Klobuchar:
Moderate (But Disgusted) Republicans Hold A Key To Regime Change in Washington

Bob Fitrakis/Harvey Wasserman:
Did 308,000 Cancelled Ohio Voter Registrations Put Bush Back In the White House?

Wednesday, March 1
Garrison Keillor:
What to Do When the Emperor Has No Clothes

Scott Ritter:
Iraq: A Solution to Nothing

Ira Chernus:
Praise the Lord and Pass the Petition

JC Hallman:
Moral Equivalence and the War in Iraq

Katharine Viner:
"My Name is Rachel Corrie": A Message Crushed Again

Cindy Sheehan/Sam Bostaph:
A Common Cause Against the Bush Administration

Robert Scheer:
Dubious Dubai Deal

Katrina vanden Heuvel:
The Costs of War

Jasmyne Cannick:
State of the Black Union... Disappointing

Niranjan Ramakrishnan:
The India That Can (No Longer) Say No: the Paradox of Prosperity

Derrick Jackson:
Halliburton Strikes Again

David Hilfiker:
Onward Christian Organizers

Robert Steinback:
Dubai Ports Deal: Business Comes First

Dave Wheelock:
In the Field With Bungalow Dick, LLC

Susan Paynter:
Father Turns His Hate Into Plea Against Death Penalty

Tuesday, February 28
Jeremy Brecher/Brendan Smith:
Where Are the Good Americans?

Molly Ivins:
Bush's Carnival Tricks

Norman Solomon:
Mahatma Bush

Robert McChesney:
David Horowitz and the Attack on Independent Thought

Ruth Conniff:
Fat Tuesday for Disaster Profiteers

John Nichols:
BMD (Bike of Mass Destruction)

George Monbiot:
For the Sake of the World's Poor, We Must Keep the Wealthy at Home

Joe Kissell:
Civil Disobedience a Just, Responsible Approach

Anthony Lagouranis:
Tortured Logic

Pierre Tristam:
The Assigned Role of Bode Miller: Icon of American Presumption

Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer:
This Fall, Consider the Peace Platform

Haifa Zangana:
Death of a Professor

Jared Bernstein:
What's Wedged Between Productivity, Living Standards?

John Hutson:
Accountability Absent in Prisoner Torture

Dennis Shulman:
Why Did God Cross the Road?

Monday, February 27
Thom Hartmann:
When Americans No Longer Own America

Arundhati Roy:
Bush in India: Just Not Welcome

Robert Fisk:
Defeat is Victory, Death is Life

Bill Robinson:
Republicans Unfit to Adopt

Cindy Sheehan:
Camp Casey and Germany

Pierre Tristam:
William Buckley's Cronkite Moment

Bob Herbert:
Ike Saw It Coming

Lewis Lapham:
The Case for Impeachment

James Carroll:
Civil War or Holy War?

Lawrence Wittner:
Gandhi, Bush, and the Bomb

Anuradha Mittal:
Playing Politics With Aid: The Unholy Trinity of Defense, Diplomacy and Development in the War on Terrorism

Martha Campbell/Malcolm Potts:
The Pill is Mightier Than the Sword

Dave Zweifel:
Once Again, We Choose Guns Over Butter

Nicola Castle-Bauer:
There We Go Again, Restricting Rights

Laurie Garrett:
Unless We Act Now, Bird Flu May Win

Charlie Cray:
Grand Theft Baghdad

Sunday, February 26
Thomas Wilner:
Guantanamo: American Gulag

Gary Alan Scott:
In the Fall Election Campaigns, Democrats Must Challenge the Republicans on National Security

Just for kicks, I looked at Townhall's opinion lienup...

# Jeff Emanuel
Georgia's abortion debate

Nathanael Blake Nathanael Blake
On campus: The abolition of art

Kathleen Parker Kathleen Parker
Free to hate... and dine alone

Cal Thomas Cal Thomas
American journalism's founding fathers

Dustin Hawkins Dustin Hawkins
Senate hopefuls unleash on port deal

Mike Franc Mike Franc
Choice for me, not for you

David Limbaugh David Limbaugh
The scandalmongering co-presidents

Eliot Peace Eliot Peace
Sizing up '08 prospects in South Carolina, Part II

Townhall.com Editors Townhall.com Editors
What's the word?

Charles Krauthammer Charles Krauthammer
Syriana feeds our enemies hatred

Townhall.com Editors Townhall.com Editors
Daily Capitol Report

Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg
No more black and white

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg
Media ethics: An oxymoron?

Tony Snow Tony Snow
The essence of surrender

Matt Towery Matt Towery
Greenspan's gone -- now what?

Oliver North Oliver North
"Media Madness"

Chuck Colson Chuck Colson

Megan Basham Megan Basham
Dysfunctional family reunion

John McCaslin John McCaslin
Matter of fact

Clifford D. May Clifford D. May
Hamas helper

Yeah, conservatives seem happier.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 01:59 pm
A linguist, you ain't, McG...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 02:01 pm
Never claimed to be.
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 02:42 pm
i should think that if you read the townhall stuff, the body of the article would be less than happy.

of all the names on the townhall list, the only one that i've heard speak that ever appeared to be a happy person was tony snow.

he seems like a nice boy....
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 02:47 pm
Perhaps you should read them and find out?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 03:02 pm
i've read townhall's op-eds before.

they made me unhappy. Laughing
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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 09:29 pm
I've kind of ignored this thread, but looking over all the threads, you know this thread pretty much describes the situation. I cannot believe all the whiners and complainers that incessantly see nothing but doom and gloom, disaster on every side. Bush is the worst human being that ever lived, this country is a disaster, the Patriot Act is going to cause everyone to go to jail, Bush is spying on anything and everybody, Bush caused Katrina, Cheney is the worst guy that ever lived next to Bush, the economy is tanking, people are dying because of no health care (even though they are living longer than ever), and Bush ordered all the terrorists that probably aren't terrorists to be tortured because he simply enjoys torturing people.

Lighten up people. You really need to get back in touch with reality.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 09:34 pm
You're the one whining right now, Okie.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 10:00 pm
If things in Iraq are completely f**ked up it isn't positive to deny it or pretend our position is not real. At work I'm a boss. When things go wrong I have to confront it outright no matter how much I don't want to or how much the odds are against me. Don't even tell me the odds.

Iraq is on the verge of civil war. Bush and the Iraq war is a total and complete cluster f**k like anyone with any authority on the subject told us it would be.

The Vice President is out drunk hunting on heart meds and hasn't had a press conference since 2002. HE can't even face the reality of the situation.

Bush supporters are in denial. They have a dysfunctional relationship with Bush.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2006 02:51 am
okie wrote:
I've kind of ignored this thread, but looking over all the threads, you know this thread pretty much describes the situation. I cannot believe all the whiners and complainers that incessantly see nothing but doom and gloom, disaster on every side. Bush is the worst human being that ever lived, this country is a disaster, the Patriot Act is going to cause everyone to go to jail, Bush is spying on anything and everybody, Bush caused Katrina, Cheney is the worst guy that ever lived next to Bush, the economy is tanking, people are dying because of no health care (even though they are living longer than ever), and Bush ordered all the terrorists that probably aren't terrorists to be tortured because he simply enjoys torturing people.

Lighten up people. You really need to get back in touch with reality.

and you say that with a straight face, right?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2006 08:07 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
okie wrote:
I've kind of ignored this thread, but looking over all the threads, you know this thread pretty much describes the situation. I cannot believe all the whiners and complainers that incessantly see nothing but doom and gloom, disaster on every side. Bush is the worst human being that ever lived, this country is a disaster, the Patriot Act is going to cause everyone to go to jail, Bush is spying on anything and everybody, Bush caused Katrina, Cheney is the worst guy that ever lived next to Bush, the economy is tanking, people are dying because of no health care (even though they are living longer than ever), and Bush ordered all the terrorists that probably aren't terrorists to be tortured because he simply enjoys torturing people.

Lighten up people. You really need to get back in touch with reality.

and you say that with a straight face, right?

Wow! Talk about the ultimate strawman argument, not to mention okie expressing his severe unhappiness over the fact that most people think that this administration is a disaster. And he tells us to get in touch with reality. Too funny.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2006 08:23 am
The right-wing is not conductive with survival. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2006 10:13 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

and you say that with a straight face, right?

Sure. The negativity, the blame game, pessimism, much of it for the sake of politics. Its always somebody elses fault, Bush's fault, yes, its getting old. The high school teacher in Colorado blames virtually everything on this country and Bush and is teaching the kids that in the high school classroom with taxpayers money. That same mindset appears to be alive and well on this forum. Do some people even like this country at all? Or themselves?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2006 10:34 am
Oh, okie... Don't you get it it? They LOVE the US (it's just people that don't agree with them or their political ideologies they hate). The country is great! (Republicans are scum). The President is evil incarnate! (Until he thinks like they think.) They are the very models of Patriotic Americans (in their own minds) and should never be questioned about such topics. Shame on you for calling our fellow American patriots anything less.
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