The Lord of the Flies Meets Robinson Crusoe
Children shipwrecked on an island kill Friday and hunt down Robinson Crusoe.
Honey I Blew Up the Elephant Man
Screw up inventer, perfects method of enlarging human cells. The elephant man stumbles into his laboritory to evade a gang of kids, is blown up to fifty feet tall.
Honey I Shrunk King Kong
Bully King Kong gets cut down to size. Finishes his days in a zoo, just like any captive gorilla.
Snow White and the Magnificant Seven
In a border town lives Snow White, girl in rags. The banditos drag in bags of stolen apples. She takes a bite of one and falls into a deep sleep. The Seven, thinking she has died, place her body in the taqueria, then go out to do war with the banditos.

You're just goin' to town -- of course, it helps to be a writer. Right?
Keep showin' 'em how it's done.
"Jesus You're Good." Is that a sequel to "Passion of the Christ?"
Related to that well-known steamer: "The Resurrection of Jesus (or: Jesus Comes Again)"
I'm not going to touch "Jesus Comes Again" with a ten-foot pole.
(But it could be the basis for the upcoming film "The Da Vinci Code." Ya think?)
Well, I dwell on movie titles and favorite stars, have all my life. I sometimes get a little too discerning for my own good and sometimes fall in love with trash, but it all comes out to the good in the end.
Mighty High Noon
Gary Cooper knows John Wayne's a comin' in on a airplane at high noon, and that Wayne will be blaming him for the plane crash that killed his family.
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice & Hannibal Lecter
The foursome meets a well deserved end.
Looks like a banquet for Hannibal to me! "Life's a banquet and most poor fools are starving to death!"
Well, Hannibal may now have to join Weight Watchers!
I tried to watch B&T&C&A, but couldn't quite make it. My apologies to those who thought it was good.
You didn't watch it all the way through? You missed the whole idea of the movie. It's sexual exploration that just doesn't quite work out.
The Last Waltz of Christ
Preparing to get crucified, a melancholy Christ relives his glory days as a rock star.
Blackboard Jungle Book
Teacher in a loin cloth educates mob of unruly students.
Patch Rambo
Dude puts on clown makeup and goes to jungles of 'Nam.
"Brokeback Mountains of the Moon"
Two explorers, Richard Burton and John Speke, search for the origin of the Nile and fall in love despite the amours of Liz. Er...wrong Richard Burton.
Good Morning Shangri-La
Disk jockey lands in trouble for broadcasting hard rock music during meditation hours.