Gone With the Titanic
Rhet books passage for himself and Scarlet on a ship, thinking a good cruise may soften her up to his romantic advances.
Yours Mine and Ben Hur's
Ben Hur's little bastards move in with a newlywed couple after Ben goes off to work on a galley ship. Riotous story of the adjustments made to accommodate the Hur kids and their other twelve, while trying to have a romantic start to their marrieage.
Some Like it Hot on a Tin Roof
Paul Newman and Tony Curtis play cross dressers in Big Daddy's barn. Joey Brown falls for both of them.
What Ever Happened to Little Sheba
Shirley Booth and Betty Davis in a taught drama about a washed up old maid.
The Greatest Show on Oz
Jimmy Stewart disguised as a wizard in Oz, what he thinks is the perfect hiding place for a wanted murderer.
(But that's Joe E. Brown, not Joey Brown -- oh, well).
I know it's Joe E Brown, just got hasty.
I also know a better way to spell marriage.
The Treasure of Sierra Island
Young Jim 'Arkins and Fred C Dobbs set out to find gold. A band of murderous pirates dogs their trail.
Who's Afraid to Dance With Wolves
Liz and Dick as George and Martha go into the wilderness. They have guests. GuestS.
Martha walks into their oupost home and says, "What a dump." They have fun and games with the wild wolves.
The Hunt for Red October Dawn Shoes
A ballerina, a bunch of kids during the Reagan Era and a nuclear sub's crew all fight the Russians.

Now you're all cookin'!
(Glad to see Jespah Russian in with another!)
Rambo: Apocolypse on Flatbush III
Slyly Stalone takes the Flatbush highschool buddies to 'Nam, where he and Marlon Brando eat a whole steer between them, all to the tune of "Satisfaction."
Men in Black
Johnny Cash and Will Smith rock their way through invasions of aliens
"Men In Black" is a real movie -- you're cheating but still funny.
(You're also really good at this!)
(How about "Men In Black Walk the Line?"
Yeh. I post tired often and overlook details like that.
the hitcher's guide to the galaxy
young couple pursued by homicidal, paranoid android across the galactic wasteland
Ray, the Bad and the Ugly
Stars Ray Charles, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach. Three who live by their wits in the war torn south end up in a final showdown inside a graveyard. To the incessant pounding riffs of "What 'd I Say" the tension mounts. Finally, they shoot it out.