The Dharma food was dropped 20 years ago, but on the wrong trajectory, IMO. Think of Dan's rocket.
20 years ago and because of the time-space thing it arrived in the future?
littlek wrote:.... why The Others don't age - where did they come from....
Maybe... since the Others don't appear to age... the original Others may have been survivors from the wreck of "The Black Rock."
DrewDad wrote:littlek wrote:20 years ago and because of the time-space thing it arrived in the future?
Ooh, that works...good theory.
So, considering the space-time thing....
What happens if the Oceanic Six return to the Island next year and arrive before they left???
--For one thing, both Jack and Sawyer can have their own Kate...
--...And there'll be another Jack left over for Juliet.
--Jin becomes a bigamist
--Claire now has twins (A-aron and B-aron?)
--Sayid can keep his eye on both Locke and Ben at the same time.
--On top of his other problems, Hurley now has multiple personality disorder.
Jack would be a Pair o' Docs. is it that babies can't be born on the island, but apparently Ben's daughter was, and it was hinted in the last episode that Charlotte (from the boat) was also born on the island?
They were presumably conceived off of the island, like Aaron.
According to my sister, the man in the coffin at the end of the last episode was Widmore. Is that what anyone here believes? I thought it was Locke.
It was John Locke. But, there were ALT endings aired on other venues with other people in the box.
I saw the two alternate endings on Good Morning America, and yes, the coffin had different people in it in each version. But I was watching on a tiny b&w screen and couldn't tell who they were. Did anyone else see them? Who were they?
One was Sawyer and the other was Desmond.
But in the aired version it was Locke.
Did they shoot alternate endings for the same reason that Dallas shot several versions of "Who shot JR?": To keep the press from finding out ahead of time?
I have watched' Lost' for I dont know how long Im over it...completey and utterly over it, it reminds me of the X-Files not going anywhere fast and dragged out.
I wouldn't be surprised if they just are trying confuse people so that no one can figure it out. The last episode of Lost is going to be huge for viewership.