Foxfyre wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:Thomas wrote:Foxfyre wrote:But where all these religious nuts that are purported to have hijacked the Republican party?
For example, one of them was the Senate majority leader. His name is Tom DeLay, and I mentioned him in the post you answered to.
rick santorum would be another.
Assuming that Tom Delay and Rick Santorum are religious nuts, which I don't think either qualify unless you think all people professing the Christian faith are religious nuts, I'm still looking for any organized group of bonafide religious fanatical holy rollers as Thomas described them who have any measurable influence over legislation or policy.
now you are just toying with me, foxy.

but okay, i'll play along.
the christian coalition.
and btw, we've had the discussion about who i do and do not consider religious nuts before, foxy. but just for fun;
reverend robert schuler - not a nut
reverend billy graham - not a nut
reverend jerry falwell - a bigtime nut
dr. james dobson - also quite nutty. and even less entertaining than falwell.
how 'bout george w. bush ? - please, if you deny this one, my head's gonna explode !