A few more things, first off I am wondering if anyone has actually seen a photo or a person who died from SARS, surely they don't just kinda "pass away" in their sleep...do they bleed in the lungs or what? I can't seem to find actual photos of the victims.
Which is unusual in my opinion.
And a second thing is, I haven't found the link again, but it's somewhere on my source page, of the "infection paterns" in which countries.
Type C is China and most other countries except Singapore and Vietnam (Asian nations, exclude western they weren't on the list for today's patterns).
Now I don't find the "WHO" definition of Type C to be sufficient, but to me it seemed to mean basically, people not in contact with the infected, getting sick...so that means that SARS is not a problem just amongs medical staff now...as TIME magazine said on their website.
At least not by WHO definition...
If I understand what Type C means, maybe there is a Medical person here who better knows?
Few more things again...a map of current probable cases:
Now I'm trying to find the chart of full list of cases deaths new cases as of today and such because I calculated for Canada from that and it wasn't a 5% death rate, it was about 15%...
Now if only I could find it, oh and it's recovery rate is only 50% abouts. So plenty more to possibly die...
Also today's increase of SARS cases in USA is 1, I wonder how that is even possible, shouldn't we have had it more under control by now? The USA is generally good about that, this is a tricky virus.
I'll hate to see it when Winter comes, and this has been an exceptionally cold Spring. Still kinda snowing here lol...well, up in the hills, but that's not normal, just began a couple years ago, and seems to be getting worse each passing year. But that's another story...lol
*2nd EDIT*
Perfect I found that data chart.
As you can see, Canada's "SARS" death rate is 15% almost exactly, and I don't know where you got that 85% of them were "old" figure, there is no official release in ANY way of any information of WHO and what ages they are, that die. So for all we really know is that 100% of them could have been 22 years old.
But judging from WHO figures, about 11-15 of the dead were above the age of 60. 22 died of 145, and 48 have yet to recover.