Sanctuary wrote:I admit that I've given up, as far as trying to save the youth of our world.
One of my sisters is a missionary, the other sister an avid church-goer (though much more liberal than the missionary). The wife of one of my brothers is a Sunday school teacher...
I have 11 nieces and nephews, 12 this September.
I am confronted, and mainly by the children of the missionary, with questions from them. "Aunt Crystal, are you a Christian?" "Do you believe in God?" "Was Noah real?"
I can't help but smile and reply, "go talk to your parents about that. " I have enough respect for my sister as a parent not to undermine her teachings.
I know how you feel, Sanctuary. But they are your family, your blood. If any of them comes to you and asks you, "do you think God exist?" Your obligation as a parent and rational human being is to answer with the truth; tell them the truth. You should tell them, "I don't know. But a lot of people think God exists. What do you think"? And your nieces and nephew parents' beliefs would not be spoiled.
Sanctuary wrote:That doesn't mean that it doesn't burn inside of me to take them and teach that they don't have to believe what they're taught.
I know what you mean.
Sanctuary wrote:Hey, if they grow up and chose to, then by all means. But my biggest concern as far as the welfare of my nieces and nephews goes, is that they will never feel as if religion is an option. They will be burdened, just as I was as a child, with the guilt and shame that comes along with wondering. Wondering if God really does exist or if evolution really did occur. It will be condemned by their parents, I know it will be, to think outside of the Christian faith. This pains me, because I think that they should have the choice to learn.
Their parents should not denounce you for telling the truth. But you should never tell those kids that all religions are bunch of nonsense all together. Children nowadays are very smart, and if you tell them the truth, they will notice the inconsistencies of their parents' belief and have a mind of their own. But if their parents forbid you to get closed to your nieces and nephews, so be it. Your nieces and nephews will seek you out wherever you are. And their parents, when they become aware of the damage that they would have caused them, they will ask you for forgiveness. It is the law of human nature.
Sanctuary wrote:Their parents being missionaries/Sunday School teachers, religion is incorporated into everything they do. They read the Bible daily, their schooling is based upon religious teachings, they hold church meetings at their homes... This would be a great thing if the children were given other options as well, but they aren't. This is was pains me the most. When they are old enough, I will spend quality time with them and explain to them the vast world of religion, theories, science and so on. But not until they are old enough to understand that by doing so, I'm not a bad person.
But don't tell them that religion is wrong. Let them see the irregularities for themselves. Just tell them the truth. Don't speculate. Just tell them the truth. Teach them how to think for themselves
not for their parents
not for their church
but for themselves. They will eventually love you more than what you think.
Sanctuary wrote:Right now, at the age they are (none of them older than 9), they're understanding of Christianity is that anyone who isn't a Christian - who doesn't believe in God - is a sinner, is evil.
This is what I refer to as the "cancer of society," teaching innocent children how to be biased towards people who think different than they. This nonsense has to stop. What makes Christianity or any other religion better than the other?
Sanctuary wrote:I don't want them to fear me, I want them to trust me.
They won't fear you, Sanctuary. They will trust you, when they get to the age in which they become aware of the torrents of nonsense that they're exposed to. They will come to you. Believe me.
Sanctuary wrote: I will be one of the few people in their lives who will accept them regardless of their sexual orientation, religious affiliation or political leaning. Not that they would stray from Heterosexual Christian Republicans, considering the fear placed in them by their parents.
That's a big plus!!! And I congratulate you for that. Few people think like you.
Sanctuary wrote:I wish to do the same as you do, Jason, but I don't know if I have hope to.
Don't you give up, Sanctuary. You have the same right to expression, just like these demented, delusional individuals. Don't stop. Think about your objective; it will keep you going.
Sanctuary wrote:I don't mind religion as long as it's an optional thing. The forcing of it onto children is my biggest pet peeve. I worry a lot for my nieces and nephews, but what can I do until they're older?
But most cases, religion is not an "optional thing." The majority of religious people think like that. They force their children to be part of their world of persuasion and "right" and "wrong," and demeaning other people because they look and/or think differently.
Sanctuary wrote: Right now if I were to go to them and say, "everything you've learned is false," then they'd think of me the devil.
That would be quite harsh. But just go and tell them that you love them no matter what, that you will always be there for them, no matter what, that you will understand them no matter what. Don't tell them that "everything they learned is false." Just tell them that lots of people think that they are true. And you would not be penalized for telling the truth. Let those children think for themselves.
Sanctuary wrote:I don't want that... I'd rather wait until they outgrow the grasp of their parents first, and are able to comprehend something outside their own belief. Then I can promise you I will discuss with them the issue at hand.
Don't impose your belief onto them. Let them have a brain and use it. Right now, their parents think for them. And that's quite frustrating.
You have to understand, Sanctuary, that there is a conflict between ancient literature and human awareness. It will have to end some time. Think about it.