Word is out that Congress has extended the Bush tax cuts to 2010. Most of us conservatives would have preferred they be permanent, but at least an extension is better than letting them expire.
To those that accuse those tax cuts for ballooning the deficits, etc. there is this in today's papers:
Quote:A flood of income tax payments pushed up government receipts to the second-highest level in history in April, giving the country a sizable surplus for the month.
In its monthly accounting of the government's books, the Treasury Department said Wednesday that revenue for the month totaled $315.1 billion as Americans filed their tax returns by the April deadline. The gusher of tax revenue pushed total receipts up by 13.4 percent from April 2005.
It marked the largest one-month receipt total since the government collected $332 billion in revenue in April 2001, reflecting a boom in capital gains from stock investors lucky enough to cash out their investments before the bursting of the stock market bubble in early 2000
Re above post - I misspoke. Just the house approved the extension and the Senate was still haggling. If they haven't voted yet, be sure to let your senator know we LIKE lower taxes.