OCCOM BILL wrote:Foxfyre wrote:Well, are you working to get your name on the ballot in all 50 states, Bill?
No can do, Foxy. My war chest is about 100 million dollars short, Craven changed the edit feature so I'd have to explain all my war-mongering, and I'm not even that likeable to my own family and friends let alone the general public. :wink: Keep looking and let me know if you find someone interesting! Meanwhile, Sozobe's thread on Obama (Illinois's young Democratic Senator) (

) is becoming increasingly interesting to me.
Aw, you're just in major like with Soz

I like her too.
Seriously, unless some major scandal scuttles her, it is almost a given that Hllary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. According to Dick Morris who, despite his personal failings, has one of the best political instincts I have ever observed, the Republicans have one candidate who can beat her. And that one candidate is Condoleeza Rice. It is by no means not too late to draft Condi who so far says she's not inerested, and that would make for perhaps the most fascinating campaign this country has ever had.
If Condi is out of the picture, the two I am watching most closely are Mitt Romney and George Allen, and I am particularly intrigued by George Allen. I do not think McCain will get the nomination and, while I think he is heads and shoulders above most of the Dem front runners, I am not certain Senator McCain is presidential material.
Obama does seem to be a good guy but he cannot be nominated or elected without compromising too much to the wacko wings of the Democratic Party, and I don't want to see him do that. The Democrats already have plenty of candidates, including Hillary, who have already done that.