Snood; you're damning me for suggesting people should take some responsibility for their own decisions and actions (or lack thereof)? Interesting position, that. Perhaps you would prefer it if the State took care of making decisions on the deciding factors in individuals lot in life (both positive and negative)? I would not. Until last year; I lived on the water in West Palm Beach and knew only too well the dangers in doing so. The benefits include beautiful weather almost year round
the dangers are clear. I never understood why my neighbors thought it was fair for the entire country to contribute to their lot in paradise. Mother Nature is a somewhat predictable enormous expense that surfaces once in a while. Shouldn't those who reap the benefits of this beautiful location be required to pay the necessary insurance to rebuild it when this happens? Why should a snow shoveling landlocked Jon Doe in South Dakota be forced to pay to rebuild somebody's beach house in paradise? I do my share of charity work, believe me, but I'm no less offended when the recipient insists on it at the point of a gun. I don't owe anybody anything that isn't part of a mutual agreement to the benefit of us both. Choosing to ignore a Cat-5 hurricane warning, while living in a bowl, defies logic to the point of idiocy. Those who couldn't leave, are worthy of our pity and support. Those who could and didn't got what they bargained for. If you want to live someplace dangerous, like Key West for instance; periodic evacuations are part of the bargain. If this doesn't fit your budget; then it's time to dwell someplace that does. Those who choose to reap the rewards of living someplace dangerous, without the ability to leave when the situation calls for it, will occasionally suffer the predictable risk. There is an undeniable risk/reward ratio to consider in virtually every decision we make. Choosing wisely or unwisely is the individual's prerogative. This prerogative comes with responsibility. As well it should.
Yes Joe, I do believe leaders should look reality in the face. I do so every day. I also believe followers should look reality in the face. Many do so every day.
Nimh, I can't agree with your levee argument. The population behind the North Sea Wall requires the use of a great deal of recovered lands. Ours does not. We have more than enough space. The levee in question could just as easily have kept that water in, had the storm retained its strength with a tiny change in trajectory. Rebuilding it is a farce, that will do nothing to change the predictions of what will happen if N.O. is ever hit head on by a Cat -5 Storm. This has been happening for millions of years and it's not going to stop just because we live here now
or build a levee. A beefed up levee system around N.O. will accomplish nothing but to give the city's inhabitants a false sense of security. If they somehow missed the earlier warnings (which I find hard to believe), they damn sure couldn't have missed the
warning that was Katrina. Those who choose to ignore such warnings; do so at their peril.
OE; they touched on the floating city concept during the program I watched about the North Sea Wall. They also have provisions to flood certain areas on purpose, to save others if it becomes necessary. The Dutch seem so much more realistic and prepared for the worst. Apparently, they've reclaimed so much land from the sea they have no choice. Brilliantly intuitive, but I'd bet they wouldn't do it either if they didn't have to.
This part was very well said, Joe.
Joe Nation wrote:The conservative message to Americans is clear : you are on your own. Your nation is not here to provide you with anything.
The rest will need a good deal of tweaking, but that's a pretty good start.
okie wrote:Liberals also like to talk about the responsibility of society.
So does the church. So does the State. So does just about every other entity with its collective hand out. The problem is that every time I try to figure out what they mean by society; it's always roughly the same. Society is defined by "everyone
but me". Those who mean to make your decisions for you tend to believe:
1. Everything you do for yourself is selfish and bad.
2. Everything you do for someone else is selfless and good.
Absent is the recognition of the fact that those doing things for themselves are generally the ones with pockets worth pilfering. Ask a former Soviet how good it is to have the State take care of all of your needs. It's impossible to do that much pilfering when "society" lacks the pockets of the capitalist's greed.
nimh wrote:Roxxxanne wrote:Liberals are compassionate, loving. empathetic and considerate.
Roxxxanne wrote:Chrissakes, kiddo, you would think you would get tired of getting your ass handed to you. Do [..] you talk out of your ass like this in real life?
You're not a liberal, I suppose, are you?

That's definitely a 5 on the
