Facts don't matter anymore. The media has already written history in stone. Bush lied about WMD. All of this proves that if you repeat a lie often enough, people start believing it. Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied. Got it now?
How about a real fact? My vote is: Pathetic press, pathetic press, pathetic press, pathetic press, pathetic press. Truly it is pathetic.
Thats why I listen to Talk Radio. At least you get some useful information.
Old Europe, I forgot to mention reading 2 newspapers per day for possible "news."
As far as WMD, all anyone need to have done is to have observed Hussein over the last 10 to 15 years, and the answer would be obvious by simply using a little bit of common sense.
Quote:They deserve a full airing in the media, since they essentially validate part of Bush's casus belli for invading Iraq and deposing the murderous Saddam.
I won't hold my breath.