old europe wrote:woiyo wrote:Of course they can be suspecious especially given the State concerned here supported the existance of Al Quida prior to 9-11, have questionable banking policies that seem to support the financing of terrorism and clearly gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.
And that's the case with the UAE? Do you have any sources, woiyo?
Apparently, you have been sleeping...
"Exempt from international reporting requirements for financial transactions,
gold is a favored commodity in laundering money from drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorist activities, U.S. officials said. In addition, Dubai, one of seven sheikdoms that make up the United Arab Emirates, has one of the world's largest and least regulated gold markets, making it an ideal place to hide.
Dubai is also one of the region's most open banking centers and is the commercial capital of the United Arab Emirates, one of three countries that
maintained diplomatic relations with the Taliban until shortly after Sept. 11. Sitting at a strategic crossroad of the Persian Gulf, South Asia and Africa, Dubai has long been a financial hub for Islamic militant groups. Much of the $500,000 used to fund the Sept. 11 attacks came through Dubai, investigators believe.
"All roads lead to Dubai when it comes to money. Everyone did business there," said Patrick Jost, who until last year was a senior financial enforcement officer in the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. "