I was at a party with many politicians. I saw TedKennedy at the buffet table making an absolute pig of himself. I came up behind him under the guise of getting some food. My fork slipped and I poked him in the rump. "I'm sorry", I said in mock disbelief at the faux pas I had just performed. "That's alright" Teddy said with an insincere smile. The whole ugly incident was quickly forgotten.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Democrat!
NickFun lies.
Also, stuffed olives are delightful.
And so far I'm the only one related to a famous person: Giovanni Ribisi, cousins.
But if Joe Nation really slept with someone famous, he wins. Especially if it was Jake Gyllenhall.
I wish it was a lie Cypher. The fork did not penetrate deeply enough to break the skin, otherwise it would have been a major news story. "NickFun fails in assasination attempt".
nimh wrote:Humphrey Bogart.
[size=7]<Can I touch you?>[/size]
LOL! Hey,
you asked...
ok, so my answer just
happened to come right in the middle of another question being answered, but, you know ... <blinks innocently>
I thought you'd seen him, but you'd have been....a seed in your mother uterus, I think. I forget how old you are.
Favorite Bogey movie...?
Hey ... NickFun forked my uncle-in-law.
Ticomaya ended the thread! Yay!
I'm still trying to figure out who just came out.
Joe Nation did. I outed him.
I never would have known.
It's a huge throbbing surprise to me too.
Who turned up the lights in here?
Ticomaya wrote:Maltese Falcon
My favorite movie of all time.
Joe Nation wrote:It's a huge throbbing surprise to me too.
I think we may have glossed over this...without due examination.
Thank you, Lash, for bringing the focus back where it belongs after everyone is digressing about movies and other trivial matters.
There were three crows at the water's edge.
Did one of them have a huge throbbing penis?