I want to hear (read) every read of that meeting. It sound soooo interesting. I don't want to miss one little thing. I do hope you remember everything. Give it some thought and get back to us when you can write, word for word, what the lecturer said. Thank you in advance.
Maybe Canada isn't talking about it. They are living it. Then again, I don't know because I haven't read it yet. :-)
I wish to make a complaint!
no one cares nimh, go for it.
nimh, What's stopping you?
OK, thank you.
I wish to complain about this thread what I perused not half an hour ago on this very website.
And I'll tell you what's wrong with it, c.i. my lad. It's dead, that's what's wrong with it!
Quick everybody!! Phoenix has nearly murdered this thread with all her crazy talk!
People are in a stupor, mumbling incoherently.
Someone must talk about sex or chocolate soon!!
Thank God, man!! You've saved the day!!
<but now I need chockies>
Ok. And, how about a friend to eat them with?
That was so SWEET!!!
He's Forst.
Forst Gump.
So Tom Hanks is one of the best actors ever, eh?