Ah, but, in the words of Mr Spooner, what a Fine Duck!
G'nigh Daffy
G'nigh bunny
G'nigh Intrepid
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Alright you kids, everbody out of the pool.
For a thread that ended over 153 pages ago, it sure is a long THE END.
I'm glad THAT'S over with. I was getting sick of this thread. Now I can concentrate on more important matters.
now that you all went to be, i'll just turn the lights off and lock up after everybody. adios. it's been fun, while it lasted.
That would have been the perfect final post, Dlowan. Perfect.
It could have been Joe, but you ruined it and now we have to start all over again.
Shut up in here...you're keeping me awake.
We should let sleeping bunnies lie
A science club, Phoenix? Sounds about as exciting as watching bowling on TV. Or fishing. <Ho Hum>
Are you intentionally trying to bore this thread out of existence? It's been tried before, you know.
Biomass is a fascinating field. Here's some info:
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Biomass Program develops technology for conversion of biomass (plant-derived material) to valuable fuels, chemicals, materials and power, so as to reduce dependence on foreign oil and foster growth of biorefineries. Biomass is one of our most important energy resources. The largest U.S. renewable energy source every year since 2000, it also provides the only renewable alternative for liquid transportation fuel. Biomass use strengthens rural economies, decreases America's dependence on imported oil, avoids use of MTBE or other highly toxic fuel additives, reduces air and water pollution, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Today's biomass uses include ethanol, biodiesel, biomass power, and industrial process energy.
I think I'll go back to bed.
Good grief. Phoenix may have found the Kryptonite!
NickFun- You should have been at this meeting. He really did have a lot of interesting stuff to say, and it was in an area of which I was not familiar.
Thanks for your info. I think that I am going to be doing a bit of Googling on biomass today!