Quote:I do know that it is not 185 mph like Lash's Impala.
Imagination is funny,
it makes a cloudy day sunny...
"There is a way for an Impala to reach 185mph", my engineering friend says, "It's quite simple."
"Oh yeah, what does it involve? Hyper-turbo carburation?"
"No." He reachs for a clipboard.
Velocity vf = V(vi2) + 2(a)(sf - si)
Drag calculation DG = (AD)(SF)(CSA)(RV 2)
"You roll it out of the back of a C-130 over the
Mojave Desert on an a nearly windless day at 15,000 feet. It will be going about 190mph when it hits."
"Yeah." he says. "Wear your seatbelt."