dyslexia wrote:this is my Porsche 911 Carrara, it is sitting in the driveway because it needs a bath.
My VFR will eat it for lunch and spit out the bones
rrrrrrRRRrrr rrrrrRRRRRRRRRRrrrrr
Getcha motor runnin......
<framming guitars>
<framming guitars>
lookin for adventure....
<yeah, you guessed it>
I miss speed and irresponsibility.
...and, my brown Impala, what did 185...or had a cwazy speedometer that bounced up to 185....
hee hee
And, despite Joe's friend, I was NOT hurtling toward the Mojave Desert....vertically....in a downward direction.
<hee hee>
I would be way too chicken to go anywhere NEAR that fast now.
Hee hee hee. Well, okay kids, this little diversion on cars was fun but now it's time to close down this thread with an important message from your mothers:
Get away from that keyboard, wash your hands and get in here for dinner!!
You all have to respect and obey your mothers.
I had a late lunch today with BoGoWo, JoeBlow, Setanta, Buttercup and Buttercup's friend. It was lotsa fun.
I gotta tell my mother about it.
As in early supper?
As in late midday repast?
This is the kind of disrespect that ends civilizations,
but not threads.
It appears the answer is no.
You don't have the power to end a thread.
This will be my last post on this thread. If we all make the same vow then the thread will end.
Well, that's one down.
<waiting on everyone else to make their vow>
Man, that's one fiesty wabbit! Me likes...
Okay. Here's the best ending line of all time:
And so it goes.
Or I could end it with the poem I wrote for Farmerman's goodbye thread.
It ended that one. It could end this.
Waving, waving, waving
till we cannot see your eyes,
the taxi turns
a flash of your hat
just the morning chill remains
yet still we wave
goo'bye goo'bye goo'bye
Waving, waving, waving
till we cannot see your eyes.
We were all having a moment there.
Man, you guys are up early today.
Good Monday morning everyone. Now, go to work and get on with your lives. This thread is closed.
That vow of silence thing is working out well.