patiodog wrote:I'm taking a year "off" to do a master's and work in an emergency clinic. Prolly doesn't sound like it, but it's a nice change, and give me clinical and research experience I need.
Then it's a year of clinics, during which I'll be begging for the opportunity to doze off in lecture six hours a day.
Are you, like, doing a normal vet course, or are you doing some super duper vet thing?
Merry Andrew wrote:What? Are you recomending grass, Patio?
BTW, that last post of mine should've read 'I'd rather a bottle in front of me than get a frontal lobtomy.' But it was getting pretty late last night and the grey cells were apparently misfiring.
Dogs think grass fixes everything.
Once upon a time, some doctors thought a frontal lobotomy would fix many things.
I'd rather, frankly, have some grass in front of me....