That reminds me of a song, "I'm as corny as Kansas in August, I'm as normal as blueberry pie........"
Aunt Kadisha is working the root, and says this morning Sally Dog will completely ignore Dys, and insects will drive him from the porch, like a herd of Bison.
A Fiery Horse With a Speed of Light, A Cloud of Dust and a Hearty Hi-Yo Silver!"
Faster than a speeding bullet.
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Look! Up in the sky!
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Superman!
Yes, it's Superman - strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman - who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights the never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Wait. We are not done with this most remarkable hero.
I loved Howdy Doody when I was a kid.
You beat me to it Region.... it's all I can think about when I hear or think about the MM theme, not the Saturday Morning Cartoon eons ago -in black and white on one of the four channels available- but Andy standing there.....waiting, waiting, waiting... ,
....and now the end of the show. Good night, this is the thread signing off.
'night, Thread. I'm pretty near ready for some shut-eye myself. Tomorrow, however ...
You people are ruining everything
We can fix that right up for you.