Circa 1980, when the city abandoned the styrofoam cup and returned to the use of paper

the Greek coffee cup sprang out of nowhere and into every deli, diner, streetwagon and doughnut shop throughout the five boroughs. If you bought coffee to go, it came in a greekcup. It just did. It is rumored that the first episode of NYPD BLUE was re-shot when a sharpeyed pre-release reviewer noted that the cops drinking coffee out of something beside the ironically iconic blue and white containers.
The only problem was they forgot to put something
in the cup that was drinkable. Order it up regular or light or half-white, you still got something that tasted like the bottom of an ashtray. But hey, 80 cents. Starbucks arrived with their $1.50 cup of coffee and the deli owners all laughed. Starbucks was the first to ban smoking in their places and the deli owners howled. "You gonna pay two dollar for coffee and you don't get to smoke. Sha.!!" Oh, and Starbucks had those overpriced cookies too. What a joke!
Today, a good left fielder could make his way across the city throwing a baseball from one Starbucks to the next. There are four within a block and a half from my work. They all make money by serving really good, overpriced, but really good, coffee drinks. I shudder when I think I am paying the same amount for a grande skim latte that I used to pay for a shot and beerbump, but I like the way it tastes. Mostly, I order $2.00 grande drips and put a little skim milk in it. It's good.
Starbucks doesn't have flavored coffees, Hazelnut etc so I don't know what was in Chia's gift box, they do have flavored syrups so Mrs. Nation can have a shot for her hazelnut fix(ation). Their expresso tastes like the best expresso I've had down in Little Italy, sharp, smooth, earthy.
The delis make money, more money now says my friend Moishe from the Pick-a-Bagel, from the bottled teas they sell. Coffee not so much. "We watch them, they buy the bagels here and go across the street, through traffic, to the Starbucks for the coffee." Whatever. The little independent coffee shop next door, which promised their smoking customers they would allow smoking until the day they closed, closed. I miss the chess games.

Joe(have a cup)Nation
PS Starbucks stockholders, me included, saw a $3.04 rise in the stock price yesterday.