I walked into a Starbuck a way long time ago, and tried to order a cup of coffee, wanted to see what all the hoopla was about.....I ended up walking out without anything.....because according to the person behind the counter I was too stupid to know how to order a cup of Starbucks.
It was like trying to figure out whether to itemize or take the standard deduction. The choices...holy christ.
A few Christmas's ago, someone sent us a Starbucks sampler package. I think 5 diffent kinds.
One or two of them were flavored, which for me is so bleech

(if someone ever handed me flavored coffee when I first woke up, I'd throw it in their face and call in sick).
The other one or 2 either didn't taste like anything to write home about (dear mom & dad....let me tell you about this coffee....) one of those did taste burned.
Then, the next year, got the same type gift, only there was one I thought was good....Blue Note.....I remember that because I kept repeating.....bluenotebluenotebluenot.....
anyway, went back to get some of that.....I can't remember why, but I couldn't.
So, wanting to waste my money on something that day, I asked them what they had that didn't taste burned.
I glazed my eyes over while I got the lecture how I wasn't appreciating the hachacha oil molecules bursting or some **** like that.
You know what....Dunkin' Donuts makes the best cup of coffee, and it's cheap.