In all honesty (part 2)

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 08:34 pm

Never said it was. It goes both ways. I was trying to lighten things up a bit and take the heat off of those that it doesn't belong on.

But, starting a thread on it, while humorous, didn't do a lot to stop it either.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 08:44 pm
Seems to be a little bit of the "there goes the neighborhood" mentality going on here. Am I wrong?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 08:49 pm
Egbert Roscoe Murrow quoted Shakespeare:

"The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves.
Good night and good luck."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:46 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Seems to be a little bit of the "there goes the neighborhood" mentality going on here. Am I wrong?

It's not a "mentality," it's a reaction to reality.

MOAN, at the so-called spiritwarrior BB, on January 12th wrote:
And those of you that do not post on Able2know.com, I encourage you to do so. We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.

I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! We can all do that by finding others to come here. But, please, please, do not PM or directly ask anyone on A2K to join SpiritWarriors. That's against the TOS. I am in contact with a lot of the Christians there and I am telling them about this site to get them to come here.

If it were simply more of the religious crackpots we've had time and again over the last three years, that would be par for the course. However, this is a case of a member willfully lying about engaging in an attempt to fundamentally alter the character of A2K for the furtherance of her imaginary friend superstition. The fact that she would likely not succeed does not alter the fact that she would likely ruin the experience of this site for a lot of people.

There goes the neighborhood indeed . . .

(And that post is confirmation of another MOAN lie, when she denied coming to A2K and recruiting people for other, christian web sites.)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:52 pm
So I've been watching all this take place and kept silent because I haven't really cared to be involved. But between this thread and the indifference thread there have been a lot of statements made about "religionists" in general.

I'm curious... In light of everything going on exactally where do I stand in the perceptions of the people involved in all this? Has it been decided that I fall into a certain group? If so which one?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:54 pm
I dont have any perception of you, I'm afraid ... I like the avatar tho ;-)
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:55 pm
thanks nimh. Smile I like to too.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:56 pm
I think you should crawl back in the coal hole and think this entire episode over again, young lady, and don't come out until you have a good answer for all this mess . . .

Eppie in the toal hole . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:58 pm
I could be wrong, heph, but from what I've seen, I wouldn't lump you with the devious and mendacious of any of the groups.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:59 pm

Ok, one more time. I went to spirit warrior after it was posted that the site was there. That was in December. In January I made that post that you most likely have memorized by now. The dates are completely verifiable. You are a big one for evidence, so what's keeping you from looking at it?

So, how you get that I have been doing this from day one is way beyond me. And actually, I'm not sure I really asked any Christians on A2K to go to spiritwarrior. So, why don't you ask them if I did? I won't say I didn't because I really don't know if I did or not. And, even if I had, so what? That's not allowed? I can't tell other people about other websites? Hmmmm. Curious, as there have been posters on A2K that have given me other websites I might enjoy and do.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:00 pm
Setanta wrote:
If it were simply more of the religious crackpots we've had time and again over the last three years, that would be par for the course. However, this is a case of a member willfully lying about engaging in an attempt to fundamentally alter the character of A2K for the furtherance of her imaginary friend superstition. The fact that she would likely not succeed does not alter the fact that she would likely ruin the experience of this site for a lot of people.

There goes the neighborhood indeed . . .

Don't like the thought of having to interact with a bunch of Christians, huh? You dread the possibility that non-believers might become the minority here? And that wouldn't do, would it?

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be upset if a member -- any member -- was actively recruiting their friends to come join A2K. But if they're Christians, and they come bearing a message you don't want to hear, you aren't down with that. Appears a bit discriminatory to me.

(And that post is confirmation of another MOAN lie, when she denied coming to A2K and recruiting people for other, christian web sites.)

Seems like it was a true statement at the time it was made. Her later actions don't convert it into a lie. Unless this is some sort of ex post facto lie theory of yours.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:04 pm
hephzibah wrote:
So I've been watching all this take place and kept silent because I haven't really cared to be involved. But between this thread and the indifference thread there have been a lot of statements made about "religionists" in general.

I'm curious... In light of everything going on exactally where do I stand in the perceptions of the people involved in all this? Has it been decided that I fall into a certain group? If so which one?

You may want to be careful opening yourself up like that. You never know where you may be lumped. It has been determined, by some, what pigeon hole I would be slotted into and those who may this determination are absolutely incorrect in their thinking on this. People are going to think whatever they want and once they have made up their mind they will usually not change it if it will make them look foolish.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:08 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Ok, one more time ...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:08 pm
LOL it's a little too late for that intrepid.... where were you like 10 minutes ago?

Seriously though. I would like to know...

Thank you to those who have replied so far.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:11 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Don't like the thought of having to interact with a bunch of Christians, huh? You dread the possibility that non-believers might become the minority here? And wouldn't do, would it?

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be upset if a member -- any member -- was actively recruiting their friends to come join A2K. But if they're Christians, and they come bearing a message you don't want to hear, you aren't down with that. Appears a bit discriminatory to me.

I've known for a long time that you entertain very low standards of evidence and morality. Your objection here apparently does not extend to a complaint against the lying. MOAN specifically denied that she was using this site to recruit for her favorite christian sites, and claimed she had been busted for a TOS violation to that effect when she first showed up her. I frankly don't care if she does, but it sure got her goat when she was accused of it, and she denied it up and down. Then she has admitted this very evening in a post that she did exactly that by e-mail when she met people here.

If has nothing to do with what "message" i do or don't like. The vast majority of members here are very likely confessional christians, and i have no problem with that. What i have a problem with is that the nature of this site be intentionally warped for the purposes of any one group. I've invited many people to give the place a look--and have never once suggested it to anyone for any more of a reason than that they might find it interesting. I certainly never went to a site with a narrow, special focus and attempted to recruit people in order to take over the site for the purposes of the glorification of any shared ideal.

But as i've noted at other times in other threads, you are more interested in sneering at people you don't like, and setting up a position from which you can argue, as opposed to having a valid point to make. You've made a series of accusations, but you've missed the mark completely.

(And that post is confirmation of another MOAN lie, when she denied coming to A2K and recruiting people for other, christian web sites.)

Seems like it was a true statement at the time it was made. Her later actions don't convert it into a lie. Unless this is some sort of ex post facto lie theory of yours.

No, prior to that post on January 12th, MOAN claimed she was not involved in recruiting people at other sites to come here, nor recruiting people here to go to other sites. Today, her posts at this site have given the lie to both claims.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:26 pm
Setanta wrote:
I think you should crawl back in the coal hole and think this entire episode over again, young lady, and don't come out until you have a good answer for all this mess . . .

Eppie in the toal hole . . .

Darn it all! Do I have to???
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:43 pm
Setanta Wrote:

I've known for a long time that you entertain very low standards of evidence and morality. Your objection here apparently does not extend to a complaint against the lying. MOAN specifically denied that she was using this site to recruit for her favorite christian sites, and claimed she had been busted for a TOS violation to that effect when she first showed up her. I frankly don't care if she does, but it sure got her goat when she was accused of it, and she denied it up and down. Then she has admitted this very evening in a post that she did exactly that by e-mail when she met people here.

Actually, what I denied was the fact that I was using A2K to recruit people for MY website. And, you never offered proof that I did it in the first place. I was busted because I kept mentioning my website. Please, at least get the facts straight, ok? I denied it because it was not true. I told you I don't even recall if I did send an email to anyone on A2K asking them to join the other forum. Now, I did email some friends about it that had nothing to do with A2K.

If has nothing to do with what "message" i do or don't like. The vast majority of members here are very likely confessional christians, and i have no problem with that. What i have a problem with is that the nature of this site be intentionally warped for the purposes of any one group. I've invited many people to give the place a look--and have never once suggested it to anyone for any more of a reason than that they might find it interesting. I certainly never went to a site with a narrow, special focus and attempted to recruit people in order to take over the site for the purposes of the glorification of any shared ideal.

Well bully for you! So, I have already admitted to what I did. Man, you sure you are not a pitbull? Never said I wanted to take the site over. Yes, I said I wanted to see it glorify God and not mock Him. If you have a problem with that, then YOU have a problem with that. I have a problem with you mocking God. So, doesn't stop you does it?

But as i've noted at other times in other threads, you are more interested in sneering at people you don't like, and setting up a position from which you can argue, as opposed to having a valid point to make. You've made a series of accusations, but you've missed the mark completely.

Uh, like POT MEET THE FRIGGIN KETTLE HERE OK! (Caps for emphasis only) You have also made a series of accusations and have yet to back them up. Serious accusations I might add. I would steal for Jesus? I would murder for Jesus? You have evidence of this? Or is this just your opinion?

No, prior to that post on January 12th, MOAN claimed she was not involved in recruiting people at other sites to come here, nor recruiting people here to go to other sites. Today, her posts at this site have given the lie to both claims.

No, they have not given lie to both claims. I did not post anything in that other forum about asking people to come to A2K until the middle of January. Also, I have said I don't recall asking anyone on A2K to join the other site. Yes, on the other site I said I was going to do it but I really don't believe I actually asked anyone on A2K to join that site. And, even if I did, it's none of your business, now is it? And I don't think it is against the TOS to tell people about other websites. If it is, show me and I will adjust my thinking accordingly.

So, is there anyone out there that I either emailed or PMd asking you to join the spiritwarrior forum? You don't need answer if it's no. A simple yes if you got correspondence from me asking you to do this will be sufficient. If I did it, then I will stand up to it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:45 pm
Isn't there somethin' else on? Where's the remote?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 11:02 pm
Dammit, where's Janet Jackson's tit when you need it...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 11:09 pm
hephzibah wrote:
So I've been watching all this take place and kept silent because I haven't really cared to be involved. But between this thread and the indifference thread there have been a lot of statements made about "religionists" in general.

I'm curious... In light of everything going on exactally where do I stand in the perceptions of the people involved in all this? Has it been decided that I fall into a certain group? If so which one?

I think you are the best! In fact, I'm thinking of nominating you for
"sexiest A2Ker, 2006". Would you accept the nomination?
0 Replies

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