That was pretty cool. I like how the 4-tribe setup makes some implicit tensions more explicit. (The young guys playing around and making a sucky shelter, etc.)
I think Tina made a huge mistake in not saying why she was sitting out there being sad. If she'd even hinted at it, she would've gotten the sympathy of everyone... although, as I write that, it might have saved her in this round but probably wouldn't have down the line, as that sympathy is itself powerful and once they got over it themselves, the three would realize it was a powerful advantage and would be back to seeing her as a threat.
Still, I hope they felt HORRIBLE while watching tonight.
I wonder about the timeline, too -- it must take a long time from application to being on the island, if it was only 4.5 months it probably happened after she applied, but she decided to go ahead anyway.
So sad.
When I was looking at the whole roster of people, before the show, the older Asian guy looked interesting -- he seems pretty strong and capable and a possible stealth candidate.
Astronaut guy looks too frail, but military guy seems strong and they have that instant bond.
Stressed-out-detox guy is obviously the weak link on that tribe.
I missed the first quarter, right up to Misty being left on exile island -- any impressions to share from that?
Interesting decision to make people think she got it -- I see that it would be a good idea to make them suck up to her/ be nicey-nicey, but eventually it'd come out that she DOESN'T have it.
What I've noticed before is that if the obviously weak people make it through the first couple of rounds, they sometimes stick around for a LONG time -- might happen with Cirie, dunno.
Anyway, looks interesting, I like the new elements.