maginkat wroteQuote: I think you are way too gullible if you think that the thugs who are currently running the government would not stoop to any level to keep the power they have seized. They have been in your face with their lies and corruption.
While there is a great difference between lightning and a lightning bug, I dont think its entered your brain. Youre mixing your dislikes here and are using your dislike for the present administration somehow as "proof" that they are behind this act. You can possibly see how ridiculous that sounds.
I dont like this admin either but for totally believable reasons.
Please stop typing in bold letters and then calling others hysterical. You, maam, are the hysterical one. Im almost afraid to keep up my responses lest you go off and ruin what Tico has correctly noted, is "good entertainment'. Just keep it down a bit and lets try to stck to facts.
When I first heard of the "conspiracies" I did not follow up who they were. Tico did a marvelous job of handling that as a 'questoned document"
I looked at the assertions made by some who stated all about the 'explosions" heard. Well, there are at least 3 low frequency seismic stations in Central Park and a few others on the Palisades , in the Meadowlands and along LI. Guess what? the crash of the building has been seen and presented in the forensics academy of how a building looks on a seismograph when its coupled in air and then when its coupled on the ground. You cant hide explosives. We use seismic stations all the time when we blast for mining.the signatures are quite like a fingerprint and we could see the planes hitting and the buildings collapsing and falling into their basements. NO explosives, thats just garbage and its a damn lie made up by people who want people like you to buy into the story.
Thats why I call you gullible, you didnt go any farther than to read someones lists of "What you didnt know about 9/11" and, without any personal checking, you became a sheep of that flock. Well , its a free country . Just dont try to use this material as truth , cause I know that a few parts are made up (the parts with the data), as for the rest, I just assume if they are lying in one paragraph, theyre probably lying in others.