Experts Claim Official 9-11 Story is a Hoax ! FINALLY!

Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 07:30 am
Even a run down village shop in a third world country, probably has a $15 colour CCTV camera, bought from ebay, capable of capturing a clearer sharper video, then that of Pentagon.

What does that tell you ? Laughing
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 07:40 am
I just read the info on the site you linked to.
If anyone still doubts that a plane hit the pentagon,then the info presented will put that doubt to rest.
It seems to be well organized,well researched,and fairly complete.
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 08:01 am
Thats the very same info that changed my mind it's from a guy that used to think it wasn't a plane.

I also find this interesting http://911lies.2truth.com
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 08:10 am
All the videos are here :

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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 09:16 am
mysteryman wrote:
I just read the info on the site you linked to.
If anyone still doubts that a plane hit the pentagon,then the info presented will put that doubt to rest.
It seems to be well organized,well researched,and fairly complete.

Yes and I posted a number of links to various reports and affirmation of what actually happened too. Of course the George Noury fan club here hasn't bothered to read any of that and most likely didn't follow Tico's link either. It's so much more fun to believe the impossible and implausible if it fits with what you want to have happened rather than what actually did happen.

Hell, they've practically done away with Flight 77 altogether. But nobody cares to explain what happened to the people who were on that flight.
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 09:32 am
Old but a great article..

August 29, 2005

We are 2 weeks away from the 4 year anniversary of 9/11. And still NO one in the mainstream media as even addressed the TRUTH about that horrific day. It doesnt matter to them that it can be prooved that the buildings fell because of controlled demolition and not from the planes hitting the buildings. It doesnt matter that there are countless witnesses includeing WTC workers and FDNY and NYPD officials who heard the explosions and saw the bombs going off.
There are countless US government and Officials from around the world who have come out and blown the whistle that it was an inside job. That certain factions of the US government helped and allowed it to happen.

The tragedy of that day was used as a pretext to war, and to further the agenda of the global elite. The alternative media has EXPOSED it for what it really was. The US government cant even show any solid evidence to back up their wild conspiracy theory that it was 19 muslims from the caves of al queda. There is however "OPERATION NORTHWOODS" a US government plan to do the exact same thing with terrorists using box cutters, but that has been ignored. The Governments "proof" is a 571 page ommission of facts, and fabricated evidence. Not by an independent investigation, as that would have taken away valuable resources from the so called war on terror. But instead by a panel put together by the criminals in charge. A complete and utter whitewash. They have released none of the video camera's from the pentagon area. The only frames available to the public were leaked and clearly show NO boeing 757. The witnesses have all been silenced.

We are faced with so many distractions via the Mainstream Media. If you tune into FOX or CNN there are so many distractions that you forget what the previous story was when you are done watching it.
Its all a ploy. Its all mind control. And now with multiple TV shows about the Governments official story and 3 hollywood movies coming out to further Brainwash the public we are being bombared with their version in the wake of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Yes, we are engaged in a war and that seems to be the top story. But we were decieved into that war. We were told they had weapons of mass destruction that didnt exist. We were told of ties to 9/11, which didnt exist. We were told Iraq was a direct threat to the US security, which it was not. Lies , Lies and more Lies.

Daily, more and more people wake up to the truth about 9/11. But the fact is everything else is secondary. We can not forget and allow them to get away with the lies and the deception. We must demand accountability. The #1 issue must be the truth about that day. We can not get distracted and allow the truth to be swept away under all the other issues. They do not matter compared to what was allowed to happen and why.

We must raise our voices. We must resist the facism being installed because of this day in our history. We must NEVER FORGET, and allow the people behind it to walk free and wage endless wars for endless profits in the name of freedom and terror. If we do , we have sacraficed everything this great nation stands for. The constitution has already been shredded....what are we going to do about it?

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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 09:56 am
ippo, "The #1 issue must be the truth about that day." What a rotten day that was. New Pearl Harbor day.
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2006 10:32 pm
FLASHBACK: The Windsor Building in Madrid burned for nearly two days on almost all its floors. Its structural core was weaker than that of the WTC towers and yet it didn't collapse.

And then this one.... only ten stories and all that jet fuel did not burn it down! Amazing, considering that on 9-11 the jet fuel was supposed to have burned down 110 stories as well as a neighboring building which was not touched by any plane !

Iranian Military Plane Crashes; 119 Dead

Associated Press/AKBAR DAREINI | December 6 2005

Comment: We all know that when planes crash into buildings, those buildings collapse within 90 minutes! The building in Iran has defied all laws of physics!

TEHRAN, Iran - An Iranian military transport plane crashed into a 10-story apartment building as it was trying to make an emergency landing Tuesday, smashing a hole in the top of the building and setting it ablaze. At least 119 people were killed.

All 94 people on the plane were killed, most of them Iranian journalists heading to cover military maneuvers in the south, and 25 residents of the apartment building also died, with 90 injured, Tehran state radio said.

A large gash was torn in the top floor of the 10-story building. Flames leaped out of windows as panicked residents fled the Towhid residential complex, a series of high-rise apartment buildings for army personnel in the Azadi suburb of Tehran.

Wreckage rained down, hitting a nearby gas station, police said. Cars parked below were smashed by falling debris. At the foot of the blackened building, a pile of wreckage was in flames.

Firefighters managed to put out the fire in the building, which was damaged and charred but still standing. Police cordoned off the area, preventing journalists and a crowd of thousands of people from getting near the site. Many in the crowd were screaming, afraid their relatives had been killed.

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Solve et Coagula
Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2006 06:10 am
Incredible film about what really happened on 9/11, quite credible:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2006 06:15 am
Thats the old one Solve et Coagula. The new one is a lot better. http://911lies.2truth.com

I would appreciate anyone that has taken part in this thread to watch the first ten minutes of this film and comment on it.
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Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2006 07:25 am
After reading this entire thread (Skipping most of the name calling and pointless babbling) I have come to realise that, If it was proven by some "experts" that the buildings were in fact systematicly demolished by the bush administration and then some other "experts" conclude that there was no such interferance then both sides of the disscussion will continue to hide under there conflicting beliefs in these "experts". so...

If this is the case then the answer will never be found, end of story.
Reading this tread is like watching 2 dogs spinning round in circles ocassionally stopping to bark at the other.

Believe what you want to believe.
My belief is that should the conspiracy become reality NO ONE will be able to stand up and say so without there tougues cut out and a red "CONSPIRISY THEORIST" sticker planted on there face. Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2006 02:26 am
"If ye love wealth better then liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom,-go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"

-Samuel Adams http://911lies.2truth.com
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Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2006 02:16 pm
Amigo, I finally got to see that film a couple days ago. Fantastic.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 01:20 am
Here's something else.


It's kind of hokey and I'm sure i'll get an ear load but what the hell. I kinda like it.

By the way Magginkat. I don't fully endorse anything.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 07:40 am
Xenoche-Theres one thing incorrect about your position. Youve made it appear that its merely one stable of experts against another.
May I point out that everything that the 9/11 ommission reviewed was clear fornsic evidence taken out in the open and fully scrutinized. Docu,mentation of all evidence is catalogued and available for view. Photos and records were catalogued, and no chains of custody of their data was found broken.

Several documentaries that discussed eah of these points herein raised , were prepared and in them , the verbal statements of eye witnesses and workers were taken down.


On the other hand, weve already caught the conspiracists in 2 actual lies
1That there was no plane in the Pentagon hit

2The seismic record of the WTC hit showed that "explosives" were used.

Both of these are actual lies, so One wonders , what other lies have they manufactured.

To make a case, we need all our evidence unimpeachable (which as far as I can see, is the case). To break a case apart, all we need to do is show one or more lies or deliberate mistatings.

Most all of the conspiracy points of "evidence" are leading questions that are asked in order to elicit a conclusion that, somehow, all these questions (although mostly irrelevant) lead us to the undeniable fact that somehow the USA was complicit in this.

This weekend they showed a special on the History Channel entitled "WTC, the rise and fall of an American icon". It was shown before but id never seen it. In the documentary, so many facts, like the cockpit and voice transmissions from the hijackers and the flight attendants were played from the two planes that hit WTC were very explicit as to what was happening aboard. Also, they showed the other planes and included one shot of the plane coming into the PEntagon. Then they broke away and interviewed many engineers , scientists, ops managers, cops, firemen citizens, who actually saw the towers . They also had one individual who had his communications team move out of WTC-7 after getting a clear command (from an unidentifiable source) to get out because the building was
1 on fire
2 was being pelted by chunks
3WTC7 went through a partila collapse early in the day after 1 and 2 dropped

After it was all over, they went into the lower 7 story basement of the WTC to see the damage and all agreed, It looked like it got slammed by a huge weight imoparting a uniaxial stress from the top. (The conspiracists would have us believe that they dropped the towers by weakening the substructure)

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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 07:52 am
After reading this thread and a few others, I have to agree with farmerman. The reason hoax theories about this can take hold is because of the mistrust of the Bush administration, which I share, but there is enough against it without making up tales like this.
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 10:47 pm
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 09:11 AM
Posted by: khence BYU physics professor said a group he co-founded will ask for a Watergate-style special federal prosecutor to look into unanswered questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Steven E. Jones gave a presentation at Brigham Young University on Thursday about his theory that World Trade Center Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition rather than a terrorist attack. Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which Jones co-founded, is putting together a list of questions and will ask for a special prosecutor like the one used to probe the Watergate scandal, he said.

"Remember, I'm not alone anymore. I've got over 100 plus," he said, referring to the jump in membership in the Scholars group from about 40 to more than 140 since he spoke at Utah Valley State College on Feb. 1. The presentation, made at the Marion K. Smith Science Fiction Symposium, relied more on faith than his speech at UVSC. He quoted biblical and Mormon scriptures that he said warn against pre-emptive wars, and at one point read from the Book of Mormon.

Among Jones's tenets -- fueled by research from engineers, scientists and government reports -- is that the Osama bin Laden "smoking gun" confession tape is a fake and that slag from the WTC7 building will prove it was felled by thermite, an explosive combination of aluminum powder and a metal oxide. He also contends that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were contrived to gain access to oil there. Jones said he will soon receive a sample of the slag, and he believes analysis of the sample using an electron microscope will prove his thermite theory.

As part of his presentation, Jones briefly displayed a slide with a statement from BYU's Fulton College of Engineering, saying the department does not back his hypotheses.

When Jones presented information about the maximum temperature at which jet fuel can burn -- 1,000 degrees centigrade, he said -- an audience member shouted out, "It's 3,500. You're lying!" That data is crucial to government contentions that intense fires fed by jet fuel caused the buildings to fall.

During a question-and-answer period, one audience member asked why Jones gave "such a one-sided presentation" and did not expose his political leanings. Jones replied, "These are the facts," and said he does not identify himself as a Democrat or Republican but does support the Constitution.

Another audience member wanted to know what additional evidence is needed to prove Jones's theories. The slag analysis is key, Jones said. "With aluminum oxide entrained with iron, then that is the true smoking gun for thermite. That would prove the demolition hypothesis."

Dan Peterson, a senior economics major at BYU, said he would like to know what church leaders think. He brought along copies of speeches by LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley to compare with Jones's talk. "He's a man of faith, but he's also a man of science. Some of the statements President Hinckley's made are about how we need to ferret out terrorist organizations. Well, what does he mean? What does Dr. Jones as a man of science looking at scientific data, and also a religious person, what does he think about that?"

Dave Doering, a symposium organizer and Jones supporter, explained the presentation's fit at the event. "I laughed because I said, 'Someone is telling a science fiction story. It's either that man right there or it's some people in Washington.' " He sides with Jones but wants others to decide for themselves. "I leave it up to the audience to make this judgment."

Anna Chang-Yen can be reached at 344-2549 or [email protected].
This story appeared in The Daily Herald on page D1. A Science Fiction conference? Not a venue I would have chosen for a presentation of evidence to support a science based hypothesis that challenges the notion the towers were brought down by something other than jet fuel and ensuing fires but nevertheless encouraging to learn that 140 academics and scholars have joined Mr. Jones, David Ray Griffin and others to put forward a case challenging an official story that is losing support and credibility every day. However in the interest of credibility in the search for the truth let us hope for a different venue the next public event. And let's hope the Jones' group doesn't become tainted with scholars or researchers who deny the holocaust and anti-semites or anti-zionists who insist on pinning everything, includiing 9/11, on Jews or Zionists.

When I met and confronted Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball at a bookstore in Providence, Rhode Island in 2002 I handed him The War on Freedom by Nafeez Ahmed. While he was unaware of course of the publisher's screed directed at Israel at the end of the book he retorted, "What do you think, the jews did it?" This dangerously simplistic and misdirected sometimes racist notion is a grave danger to this search for facts and the truth and should be challenged and confronted whenever encountered. And for the record we just don't KNOW who did it. But 'persons of interest' span the gamet in terms of their ethnic background, ideology or religion.

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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 07:57 am
Amigo, "Jones said he will soon receive a sample of the slag". Now that's interesting and may finally lead to the truth. If thermite is proven that would destroy the governments story. If not it would destroy Jones story.
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 10:58 am
Either way, This is one hell of a fiasco.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 08:59 pm
Seems Jone's little presentation was a bit premature. Shouldn't he have the evidence prior to publicly making the accusation? Very irresponsible, as a scientist. Investigate . . . then present. It doesn't work in reverse.
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