You source at Bible-dot-org is hopelessly clueless. Rather than saying it lies outright, i'll just charitably point out that it is confused--so, for example:
Some Joker at Bible-dot-org wrote:By the first century AD an increasingly large number of slaves were being freed?so much so that Caesar had to write up laws that governed the procedure!
Iulius Caesar was murdered in the Senate at Rome on March 15, 44 BCE--nearly half a century before the First Century CE (or "AD"--
anno domini, as your source has it) even began. So, either the author of that self-serving and exculpatory historical abortion is incredibly ignorant, or playing fast and loose with the truth. If he or she meant something else by Caesar than a reference to Iulius Caesar, it was just plain sloppy work not to have said as much. The rest of what you quoted is equally unreliable.