Momma Angel wrote:Mesquite,
You were raised a Christian? That's very interesting. Ok, can you pinpoint exactly (or maybe close to it) where it didn't make sense? Was there a certain thing that you heard? That happened? Was it something that just never made sense?
He's not the only one, although my parents never raised me up to be a Christian and I was never baptised (as far as I know).
I'd initially say that I don't know a single person in my country who didn't start off being raised as a Christian, but then a recent report says that state schools have been failing to give children the Christian morning worship that the law requires them to have.
At one time I stated that I was no longer a Christian because of how it was forced onto me and because of my idiotic Scriptures teacher whom would shove the same darned story of Jesus' birth, crucifixion and the Pentecost over and over again. After much deliberation, I've kind of realised that this isn't the only reason and was more of a subconscious one at that.
As time passed on and as I matured, I learnt more about science. The concept of God and religion didn't really enter my mind. I didn't really go to Church either, but because I attended a school in which the Assemblys started off with singing Christian hymns and prayers, I guess I got a taste of Christian worship.
The thought of an afterlife comforted me. To think that there was a God up there that would right the wrongs after life was very comforting.
Now that I think about it, I don't think the latter was very comforting at all. The God of the Old Testament righted wrongs during life, as well as after. Now he just lets the bad things happen? And even before, the measures he took were so extreme and seemingly evil. After giving it much thought, you couldn't justify it.
To say that he knows best isn't a good reason at all. Say you were a German living under Hitler. He set himself up to be omnipotent and omniscient too, and in some ways he was. Could you justify the evil acts he did to punish those he didn't like, with the reason, "because he knows better than you"?
Also, science seemed to end up contradicting things in the Bible. Well, that didn't really push God out of the picture because God =/= Bible (God does not equal Bible).
No, it was the logical inconsistences. The fact that you couldn't prove God to be true no matter how much you tried. In the end, I decided those who started up the religion deliberately chose a definition of God that made it near outright impossible to disprove his existence.
And that is true. You cannot disprove God's existence, because of the way he has been defined. How can you say he's not omniscient, if you yourself don't know everything? How can you say he's not omnipotent, if you yourself are not capable of even a fraction of omnipotence? How can you say he's not omnipresent, if you yourself aren't every at once and cannot go everywhere?
It's rather a disingenious definition, when you think about it.
As someone who adheres to the scientific principles as much as possible, I cannot claim to be an outright atheist, because there is not enough evidence to prove that atheism is correct, so I am forced to state that I am agnostic.
Besides, I cannot believe that the concept of God as described by any religion is correct. All religions have changed over the time, their religious texts written by fallible humans that may have had a political agenda behind their motives.
Furthermore, every other God before this Abrahamic God has been false before. What makes this one anymore true than the others? Because there's more followers? Not likely, because the religion is evangelical and calls for non-believers to be converted (whereas the older ones more likely called for non-believers to be killed).
In a way the most popular religions are like a virus (sorry, but I couldn't think up of a better analogy). They were deliberately spread across the world, through human intervention. That does not prove that the God behind this religion was anymore true than the other gods. It just proves that the believers of this God are more virulent in their cause.