Setanta wrote:If this god were omnipotent and he did not want us to suffer, we would not suffer . . . suffering and martyrdom are joyous prospects for christians, especially if it is others who suffer . . .
The most frustrating aspect of the religion, to myself personally.
"Don't worry Johnny, bad girls who have sex afore marriage BURN IN HELL."
"Yeaaaaa! I'm a good boy. I'm going to heaven ! And all those mean sexy ladies who turn me down are gonna ROT IN HELL."
sorry, just having a little bit of fun.
Neo, what if Adam and Eve were actually as dirty and nasty as the rest of us? Y'know, enjoying carnal pleasures, having babies with some pain on the womans' part, and all that noise.
Just wondering if you've ever entertained that possibility?
I've read Genesis. It's not a clear and concise lil thing. If read as a creation story (like any other; rather than THE one story), there is the possibility that all that junk about sin/punishment/purity/the fall is all symbolic of INNER HUMAN GOODNESS.
Whatya think? I actually like the bible when I read it in my own way.