there's an awfully big world going on outside of a2k. that's where the things we're discussing are taking place.
nobody of any faith with a brain would take robertson seriously these days. he's clearly become demented.
see here's the thing america. the founding fathers, having seen the trouble that a religiously influenced government (or monarchy or what have you..) could either cause or experience, purposely designed the new government as one that neither interfered with or embraced religion.
we both know that there are some who want to change that in america.
they have no problem being totally aggressive. "yer a godless sinner. yer gonna burn in hell". that's been said to me more than once. i don't believe in hell, so that of itself is meaningless to me.
but, let's think for a sec what that type of condemnation means to one of those types.... tic...tic..
okay. in the 3 big religions, there is no worse fate than to be consigned to hell. fire, brimstone, agony. no batteries in the cable box remote.

for all of eternity.
to me, that confers one heck of a lot of hatred towards another person.
that's the type of people i think we are talking about.
of course, there are those who are just as abusive towards religious people.
neither one is doing anything good for their cause...