Bartikus wrote:Momma Angel wrote:young_thinker wrote:Sorry I've been quick replying so no spelling. Indisputle evidence would be some form of God simply jumping into outer space only wearing underwear from a patch of grass, orbiting each planet and surviving the descent back to earth. That would make me have faith.

That's called by many as schizophrenia marked by hallucinations.
Naw, that's only if you think you actually saw it.
"A God that let us prove his existence would be an idol." Dietrich Bonhoeffer
He could destroy everything in existence and start over.
Well that wouldn't be very nice of him, now would it? NAd besides if he destroyed existence (instantly, I presume), we would just be there and then we wouldn't. That would prove nothing because no one would witness it.
Maybe not, but he's nice enough to let us live forever...depending on how you look ar it.
young_thinker wrote:Well that wouldn't be very nice of him, now would it?
I guess you believe the only reason for a God to exist is because of the 'nice' things he can do for us?
To believe in an almighty God that created all is to realize everything is for his purposes.....and his alone.
Read edits please Batikus.
young_thinker wrote:Speaking of hungry, I gotta cut. I'll check back on this thread later tommorow and reply. Thanks edgar for helping me out.
Oh, there will be plenty more than edgar to help you out....
Trust me.
Why would God need to be nice to us all. If he lived and operated out of his own motivations...would you see him as weak? Selfish?
Responding to Bartikus:
If they weak take power from God, the strong must take their power from somewhere too. I believe the strong are born with an ability to lead their lives without God. We don't need that motivation.
God would probably think of the universe as his child, allowing it to make its own mistakes but saving it from completely destroying itself. So has God saved us from destroying ourselves, or have we?
And would God even have motivation? What would his motivation be if he didn'y think of the universe as his child?
You do seem intelligent for a 14 year old, I'll give you that!
young_thinker wrote:God would probably think of the universe as his child, allowing it to make its own mistakes but saving it from completely destroying itself. So has God saved us from destroying ourselves, or have we?
And would God even have motivation? What would his motivation be if he didn'y think of the universe as his child?
You cannot imagine a God who did'nt care about his creation (his child)?
I think God cannot imagine a creation who cares nothing for him....the father.
You are wise for your age....believing God loves his creation.
But remember I'm saying if God exists. I'm not commiting to him or anything, I'm just spectulating
if he did.
And yes, not bragging or anything, but I'm quite observant and articulate for my age.
young_thinker wrote:But remember I'm saying if God exists. I'm not commiting to him or anything, I'm just spectulating
if he did.
And yes, not bragging or anything, but I'm quite observant and articulate for my age.

But, you cannot imagine a God who did'nt care about his creation right?
When I was a child..I often did not agree with everything my father said or did/did not do.
But, now that I have children of my own...I can now better see things as he did.
This is what it is like to be a be a father. Do you understand this?
But I can, my dear Bartikus! I don't know what your job is, but I as a student, have a comparison for you.
For example, if I create a project for school that all my grades depend on, which my life depends on for whatever reason, once I'm finished with my project, which is my creation, I don't care about it that much anymore.
"God" might see the earth as simply a project, a job, not his child.
Emoticons are too vague, speak with us Angel
I think she was in too much shock to speak
young_thinker wrote:But I can, my dear Bartikus! I don't know what your job is, but I as a student, have a comparison for you.
For example, if I create a project for school that all my grades depend on, which my life depends on for whatever reason, once I'm finished with my project, which is my creation, I don't care about it that much anymore.
"God" might see the earth as simply a project, a job, not his child.
The project that you receive from school....who would assign it to you or ask you to do it?
Do you really think God would create us and use us like an experiment?
Your science project does not have feelings. God does. We do.