I love the fact that Mo likes Queen.
Birds and butterflies! I'll bet I could find some of those inexpensive butterfly kites to use as decorations!
Hopefully the murdering Biscuit will not provide us with any birds.
Of course you can come, CJane! Everybody here is welcome.
Queen. I was never a big Queen fan until Mo turned me on to Queen. He heard "We Will Rock You" on the car radio one day and wanted to hear it again.
And again.
And again.
I got tired of singing it and bought a "Best Of" CD.
He loves it and I have really grown to appreciate their music. The music is really complicated and man, that voice! Amazing.
Does he know all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody yet?
With my son, it's "We Are The Champions." I put that one on, and he struts his stuff better than Freddie Mercury.
And you're right. Freddie's voice WAS amazing.
Speaking of "We Are The Champions".....
In another two weeks they should be looking fine.
Okay.... I've been checking out cakes....
That dirt cake?
Cream cheese and pudding mix?
With cookie crumbs and gummy worms?
Has anyone ever actually tasted that before?
I'd really like a review....
I kind of leaning towards carrot cake. Maybe decorating it something like....
Edit: grrrr... the image won't post. The cake is raked out and plotted out like a garden.
It uses cookie crumb "dirt" marzipan vegetables (or maybe flowers) and rock candy.
What do you think?
My traditional birthday cake is carrot cake. I can give you the recipe I use if you're interested (heavenly). I like that an actual INGREDIENT (6 cups' worth, grated, the one thing that drives me crazy about making the cake) is garden-y, and even what Mo is holding in the party invites.
I would love to have your recipe!
Thank you.
Started to write it down, thought hmmm have I done this before, and hooray..!
Hey thanks (again (as it seems you have given it to me before))!
I think I WILL go with carrot cake!
Can you at least decorate the platter of Carrot Cake with gummy worms?
I've had "Mud" cake--a mite rich for my blood, but very popular with males of the Yuk Generation.
Hi Noddy!
Are you feeling better? I've missed seeing you around much lately and I've missed you.
Actually, I'm thinking about it still. Knowing that you've tasted it helps. It just sounds so weird.
And I confess. I LOVE to bake and I don't get much of a chance to. When the opportunity comes up and I get to bake passing it up is hard for me to do. I'm a really good baker. Baking is a real joy and the ultimate relaxation for me.
What I think I'm going to do is this:
I was concerned that the cake I was planning (see the marzipan smackdown thread) wouldn't be quite enough for all of the people invited. I thought about doubling it out, the decided to double it tall.
What I think I might do instead is do one regular cake and one dirt cake.
Maybe I'll do the dirt cake in small cups.
Maybe I'll make gummy bug ice cream too!
I'm thinking this is not the kind of party you have to do every year - the BIG birthdays maybe but certainly not every birthday. I might as well go all out and have fun with it.
We started a family tradition with our son, boomer. Party every other year, sleepover with 1-2 friends invited on off years (and we take them someplace special.) He doesn't know which he looks forward to more.
In March, he will turn 12. We told him that's it for birthday parties until he turns 16.
Thanks for the kind thoughts. I've been a little more domestic than usual in the last few days.
Every garden needs at least one scarecrow. Will you be taking pictures? Can you organize a scare-crows face contest, take the snaps, laminate them and put all of the ugly faces at the bottom of the garden? (Your choice, away from the house or under the earth).
Will I be taking pictures?
No. I doubt it.
Of course I'll be taking pictures and I love the idea of a scarecrow contest! That would make a BRILLIANT collage! Somewhere around here I have a tattered goofy straw hat that would be a perfect banner to wage the contest under.
What a great idea.
That's kind of what I'm thinking Eva- hit the big years. 10 for the double digit thing; 13 for the teenager thing; 16 for driving.
Today is usually a celebration day around here - it is the anniversary of the day Mo moved in with us three years ago.
I've been trying to think of a little something special to do but am frankly worn out from this cold we've all had, the 24th day of heavy rain in a row (it isn't supposed to rain like this, even here) and Mr. B's new unbearable snoring.
I hope the snoring is an effect of the cold and that he returns to his normal snoring soon because if I don't get a good night's sleep soon...... I don't even want to think of what might happen.
He's supposed to bring me ear plugs from the shop today.
I'm glad you brought up the 13th "turning teenager" thing, boomer. I hadn't thought that far ahead. So this morning, I brought it up to my son and asked him if he'd rather wait until next year to have his party when he officially becomes a teenager. He agreed, he wanted one on his 13th. So I am off the hook this year! THANK YOU!!!
I love happy endings!
I snore when I have a cold, but only when I have a cold. (At the last ENT appointment, after noting that her tonsils were "big", the nurse asked sozlet if she snored and she said "No.... but my Mama does!!" Thanks, kiddo.

Nyquil helps.
Always happy to help, Eva!
I snore too, but not like this! This is huge big, non-rhythmic snoring that he is involved in. It is terrible. Awful. This is "I can't sleep in here" snoring.
He did bring me ear plugs yesterday. I stayed up late watching a documentary on TV so I crashed out in Mo's room afterwards to avoid the snoring and try to get some sleep.
I got an email from Curley and Larry's mom yestederday -- they're driving up for the party!
Mo is drop dead happy.
I put the goody bags together today:
Wooden snake, visor, bubbles and wand, binoculars, kid garden tool, pellets that grow into bug sponges. I put it in a brown bag that has a little handle and tied the handle with a little rubber snake.
Is that enough or are they supposed to have candy in there too?
What should I serve to drink?