blatham wrote:
People jumped on you for the same reason they would have if you'd advanced the thesis that the spleen pumps blood, not the heart. Where on earth did you get this thesis? How can you be so self-satisfied with your lack of empirical evidence to support it? I don't know how old you are, or what educational institutions you've attended, or how much you've been able to travel away from your home area, but believe me, it is clearly evident to a large bunch of us here that - on this matter - you really do not know what you are talking about.
What is this about me saying the spleen pumps blood? Is this still about Humphrey? Historians have already recorded that he was one of the last of the old guard, more conservative Democratic Party. I won at least partially on that argument, perhaps not entirely. I conceded that Humphrey was a big spender, welfare guy, so somewhat liberal in that regard, while I pointed out that so is Bush in that regard, while you choose to label Bush a right wing extremist, so I don't think your arguments are very well organized.
Now, just because I've attended an educational institution or you have, so what? I've known many farmers that could run rings around you people here in terms of intelligence. For what its worth, I'm part of the baby boomer generation, college graduate, Vietnam vet, grandfather, have worked for a major corporation, successful in business, and conservative, obviously. I've traveled extensively outside Oklahoma. I am law abiding. I pay my taxes and vote on a regular basis. I grew up relatively poor and am by no means rich now. I've watched politics for a long time and my views are held by a great number of people I know.
Sorry to interrupt all you cool aid drinkers here on this forum, but I thought disagreement and various views were welcomed by the intellectuals here.