echi wrote:Ya know, I actually really admire the your faith. It is obviously very solid. I guess that's the result of much soul searching. The thing that I don't understand is why you are devoted to a religion or to a book. It seems like those things would go against a person's intuition.
Okay, first of all, I am not devoted to a religion or a book. What I am devoted to is Jesus Christ and His Word. To me that is completely different from a religion and a book.
Religion is what man makes. Spirituality is what God gives. I do believe the Bible is the Word of God and I have great faith in that. He has never let me down. He took what was a pitiful existence and turned me into someone I can actually be happy about being.
Sure, people can be good and not believe in God. But, we are not saved by our works. We are saved by grace through faith. Of course, having that faith makes me want to be a better person and do the things that are right.
It has taken a lot of soul searching and a lot of letting go and letting God in my life to get to where I am today. I am nothing like I once was and I thank God for that every day.
He says to lean on Him and give Him my burdens and He will give me rest and He does. He keeps His promises.