Thanks for your reply. As regarding your post of Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:33 pm in which you state:
Quote:" JM, On your three points. 1. There are many tyrants in this world today. 2. WMD's: There are many countries with WMD's including the US and Israel. 3. It's true that Saddam support(ed) terrorism by the payment of thousands to the family of suicide bombers, but Saudi Arabia is a worse culprit in many people's opinion; most of the al quida came from Saudi Arabia. Most of the terrorists that hijacked those planes were from Saudi Arabia. Where's the beef? c.i. "
I am not sure I understand your question; perhaps you can be more specific. However, it seems that you are implying that Saddam should not have been removed from power because other nations have WMD
OR are Tyrannies
OR support terrorism.
Please do not allow me to speak for you. I look forward to your clarification.
Please keep in mind my argument implies the logical operator
AND. Therefore
ALL conditions must resolve to
TRUE in order for one to find the entire compound conditional statement
TRUE (i.e. The Nation subjected to consideration is a candidate for regime change). You seem to imply an argument using the
OR operator, implying that only one condition (Tyrannical
OR possession of WMD
OR Supporting terrorism) resolve to
TRUE for a nation to be subject to the above action.
Lastly your point citing the fact 9/11 was carried out by Saudis does not speak to a criteria of regime change necessitated by reason of state supported terrorism. A Saudi national's participation in an Al Qaeda terrorist attack does not prove Saudi Arabia's support or even complicity in the act.