Sofia wrote:Craven--
I am sort of asserting they aren't blowing up the US, UK and other Western locales because we took it to them in the ME, per the point of perception's article--
They may very well desire to do so--but have their hands busy fighting off "Immigration" investigations, and finding capital to fund their work since their main tits have been cut off... (What graphic terms come to mind...)
I think lack of bombings in the US and UK is testament to very effective national security work. I would like to say, "Yay."

The lack of current bombings in the US and UK only show that they haven't gotten here yet. You have to remember that terrorism is the last bastion of those who have no other choices. They have no political, financial or military power so they strike back any way they can.
So what do the terrorists want? They want the US and UK out of their back yard. They want the right to make their own decisions, to have their own governments free of Western interference. So what do we do? We go in and INTERFERE! And for some odd reason, we think it'll stop terrorism if we just piss these people off some more.
More attacks are coming and there isn't anything we can do to stop them until we leave these people alone and respect their wishes. That's unlikely with the ridiculous gung-ho attitude of the Bush administration, so I lay the ultimate blame for terrorism directly at Bush's feet.