What you are hearing now is US officials trying to back off the "We got'em, we got'em story." Someone must have gotten an international law attorney to read the part about purposely targeting a Head of State. (not permitted)
Ya gotta make it look like an accident.
Perc: re; McCain and the Pledge. I don't think there is anyone on this forum who meets your description (flag-meaningless-corrupt blah blah). Nice setup of a straw man though.
I personally like McCain though he is too conservative on most issues for me, the one area I do agree with him - campaign finance- the GOP opposes him. Go figure. I was sorry the Republicans treated him so badly in choosing GWB over him. I wish John was President now, don't you?
Okay, back on topic now. Any further discussion of potential candidates will be put in another forum or PM'd. :wink: