Quote:With permission of the author and his publisher (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux), the second section we are reproducing (beginning on page 795 of the book) finds Blumenthal reflecting on Bush's White House stature before and after 9/11. It includes information on how the Bush team was fully briefed by Clinton staffers about the imminent threat posed by terrorism. Blumenthal reveals shockingly how the Bush national security team ignored an explicit warning about al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden before 9/11 from within the National Security Council itself -- and how the official who gave them that red alert was isolated as a result.
Was it a plan all along, to follow up the charade of lack of 9/11 knowledge with a concocted war

Linkage, what linkage

A criminal act

Don't ever forget Bush's actions at the grade school and his oft repeated comments, "I hit the trifecta!" He knew where he stood and what he had <sigh> Men and boys are still dying...................
wolf, I do not understand your post. Please be more specific and detailed.
Kara, it's very tiring. If people don't understand what has been going on during and since 9/11, I can't help them.
It is not that I don't understand. You are not being clear. Tell me in fifty words or less what in the hell you mean.
wolf, you said:
Quote:Implications of American or Israeli intelligence in this attack are undoubtable. As Kofi Annan said, we have never been attacked by terrorism in Baghdad before.
This is all part of the internationally applied scenario of faking/instigating islamic terrorism. Quite cowardly behavior for self-presumed global rulers, I think.
What do you mean by intelligence here? Do you mean we/they knew about it? Apparently there was a warning of terrorism against a soft target. Maybe the UN had not been attacked by terrorism, but what do you call the attack on the Jordanian embassy?
I simply do not understand your second paragraph.
Wolf has gone so far as to say the CIA actually executes the terrorist acts.
Its all an Industrialist/Zionist Plot, Kara ... you know, the Black Helicopters, mysterious disappearances, staged assassinations, all covered up by the complicitous mainstream press, which is in on the deal ... I mean, c'mon now, do you think ANY of this ... Rigged Elections, Global Warming, UFOs, Middle East Unrest, Mutating Frogs, Korean Nukes, Crop Circles, and the decline of The Music Industry are all just coincidental? Jeez ... get a grip!
These kind of reactions are precisely what I mean by 'tiring'.
The CIA has been supporting and creating terrorism for decades all over the world. Whistleblowers state this themselves. It bears every logic to assume the terror company, supported by Mossad, is continuing to do this now more than ever.
Good job----you asked a perfectly sensible question then Craven came in and tried to explain it to this crowd.Wow it was like a Bobcat had landed amongst the chickens------feathers all over the place.
Please come back with another question
wolf wrote:It bears every logic to assume the terror company, supported by Mossad, is continuing to do this now more than ever.
Saying something is logical doesn't make it so. Would you care to make a logical defense of your assertions? I assume you are aware that many find some of your theories outlandish (I'm putting it nicely) so you can't help but expect to put a little effort into the allegations.
Watch: the moon is made of cheese. That is logical.
Leaves one wanting doesn't it? It's not convincing because it shouldn't be. If you want to make the case that the CIA is commiting terrorist attacks then please have a go at it. Don't just declare it logical arbitrarily. That denies us all the entertainment.
The world is often depressing. The last few pages here are too.
It's only depressing to those who don't like having their ideas challenged. To those who like uniform agreement and recoil at differing ideology.
wolf, I can listen here but not learn. I am ripe for believing all sort of stuff about the CIA -- we were best friends with a man and wife who spent years under cover in Spain, India, Japan, and I heard almost unbelievable tales -- but not what you put forward as truth.
There have been conspiracy theories put forth on this thread about 9-11, and I have thought about it and read about it, and I can't make it work. Nor can I see us behind this bombing. No one has stepped forward to take credit, and thus conspiracy theories bloom and flower. Most things in life have a simple answer, and making this act of terrorism part of a conspiracy is too complicated.
What really bothers me is the lib-con's. This conspiracy of liberals is out to destroy everything we conservatives hold dear: lower taxes, small government, states' rights, (Well, Bush is plumping for a constitutional amendment defining marriage, so maybe I'm wrong on that one,) support for business interests, control of environmental tree-huggers, and free trade (as long as it works for us.) This is my conspiracy theory, and I'm sticking to it.
Craven, you asked for it yourself
The video and audio interviews should suffice as evidence.
Might I suggest that it is all your fault-----if you hadn't encouraged this crowd of lefties to shout down George ob1, Asherman and Timber we could be having interesting discussions. Look what we have instead---you leave me no choice but to come in and stir things up occassionally.
Then you decided to retreat to the mountains of BC and join the RCMP----just look what you've done.
Would you mind if I suggest that BBC gets some of it's information from the same source as Wolf? :wink:
I will not dignify that comment with a response. As I have said, I am worried about the lib-con group and want to give them no succour.
Ain't nobody shouted timber down ... timber just hasn't seen much here lately which motivates him to respond. Besides, there's been this black helicopter hangin' around my crop circles .....
I saw one a those tonight, too...
I hate when those helicopters steal my crop circles.