Let's put it into sequence to see who's misreading these posts: Copied from above.
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Posted: August 20th 2003, 15:29 Post subject:
Gelis: I shake off misperceptions all the time!!
Listen, don't try to persuade me or anyone else here with more than half a brain that because 50% of Americans believe something it must be right. Slavery, prohibition, invasion of Iraq -- a lot of things fall into that 50% category. I prefer the rest of Americans who think for themselves!
" That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude. Also, a tactical misrepresentation."
~ Alexander Haig ~
Joined: 29 May 2003
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Posted: August 20th 2003, 15:53 Post subject:
So the majority can't be right? Only the free thinkers are right? Is the majority EVER right? Say like thinking that pedophilia is wrong...I think I will go with the majority on that one. Also, can't you be an American who can think for themselves and still be in the majority? or is that completely out?
Forget it CI, I'm not here to teach you to read. You are the only person here who mentioned equating things yet you are demanding that people illustrate how they are equal. Have fun with your project.
Already have Craven, your the one having the cow -
Okay, now the poll: Who amongst us think pedophilia is wrong? Cheeze, we really don't need a poll on this one, do we? Yeah, makes a lot of sense. c.i.
Ah, barnyard humor. The staple of those who are over it. ;-) Gotta love obvious people.
Timberlake made a comment that no one has addressed, so I shall:
"Soldiers are not trained to be policemen."
Why haven't Civil Affairs units and MP companies been moved in? Policing and restoring order are what these units are trained to do. Most Civil Affairs companies are in the Guard and reserves. A friend of mine form active duty is in one in the Seattle area,and his unit isn't even on standby for deployment. This just seems odd.
I love pedophilia. Adults
should love children. All children. (See my post earlier in this thread about not bombing someone else's children.)
Is that so wrong? :wink:
Whoa! Lookey here!
The topic!
Quote:US authorities in Iraq were warned last week that a large-scale terrorist attack on a 'soft' target in Baghdad was being planned.
The warning emerged as rescue teams searched the wreckage of the bombed UN headquarters where at least 20 people, including the senior UN envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello, died in yesterday's suicide truck bombing.
The death toll is expected to rise - some reports said a further four bodies had been found today.
Ahmad Chalabi, a member of the Governing Council and leader of the Iraqi National Congress, said that during a meeting on 14 August "we received information that a large-scale terror attack would take place in Baghdad.
The information said that the attack would be aimed at a soft target, not the American military or forces. The information said the attack would use a truck and would be carried out by using a suicide mechanism or by remote control. We shared this information with the Americans."
US Warned a Week Ago
Chalabi warned of this a week ago...?
PDid, I don't think you really mean what you say about "pedophilia." Here's the common definition.
Pedophilia involves reoccurring sexual arousal and desires or fantasies
involving sexual impulses toward a pre-adolescent child or children. ... " c.i.
No, c.i., I don't. Just trying to lighten things up.
How did we get from Iraq to a fear of pedals? Did someone try to masturbate while shifting a ten speed with their toes or what.
now where were we???
As a reader and non-participant to these postings, it was clear to me from the beginning what McGent was saying and why. No implications and no equations beyond his majority right/wrong point.
Implications of American or Israeli intelligence in this attack are undoubtable. As Kofi Annan said, we have never been attacked by terrorism in Baghdad before.
This is all part of the internationally applied scenario of faking/instigating islamic terrorism. Quite cowardly behavior for self-presumed global rulers, I think.
Trying to read back through the posts and figure it all out. Not successful. If there's anything I've learned, it's that the only majority that's right is the one I'm in. As for pedophilia, applying a good lotion to your feet before bedtime is really helpful. That's good for children too, but not if there's a Republican in the room.
I would try to figure out what you are trying to say Tartarin, but I'm afraid someone would come in and tell me my opinion is wrong and I have to change it.
Craven, you are under it. Put lotion on your feet and you'll feel better.
I feel fine, plus I don't like lotion.