Some people know. Some don't. God's in charge of that aspect of the relationship--not people. Sometimes, I didn't get what I felt was a clear answer and it infuriated me. Sometimes, my questions or actions were acknowledged.
Yes, but how do you 'know' if you 'know' if you have no authority aside from your interpretation to go by?
I'm glad. There is no us or them as far as I'm concerned.
Well, your own words:
This is how we end up with so much crap, IMO, from that quarter.
Referring to those 'out of step with christ'
Which infers that YOU are in fact IN step with christ. That is the 'us and them' I was Referring to. You have failed to establish what distinguishes you from 'those out of step with christ' as you both rely on your judgement, and all human judgement is flawed.
I took trouble to say that everyone doesn't arrive at the same conclusions--and that Christianity is not a One Size Fits All proposition. It doesn't disturb me in the least that they follow varied paths--as long as they do get to know the One they worship well. If it's not Christianity, I wish they'd call it something else. I do understand that many people who say they are Christians can't stand it when people have different Christian beliefs. That kind of thinking takes us away from Christ's intent, IMO.
Yes, but if 'christians' are free to decide what 'the path' is, and not only that, the destination, where is any sense of coherency? Is it just a free for all make up your own beliefs as you go along and call it christianity? Are all versions of 'christianity' equal in worth?
A Christian always has questions--and that leads to intense study, that one day, likely leads to a quiet revelation and a close relationship with God. Questions are good.
I have yet to see the christian denomination that encourages questions. Faith and doubt aren't very combatable, as they tend to undermine eachother.
And where did you get the idea I was a christian?
I certainly am not...