Lash wrote:Queen Annie,
Yes. I am offended by the statement that there "was a goodly participation by a certain class of Jews, as well. Those of the banker families."
I don't think it was "goodly" or by a certain class. I don'tlike that you even thought to say it, as if even if there WERE people desperate enough to sell out neighbors, that they were ANYWHERE comparable to the inhumane animals who thought the thing up and perpetrated it.
To lump them in so blithely pisses me off, truthfully.
Sorry to have offended you. What you see as 'blithely' is actually just bluntness. Nothing is candy-coated and nothing is truth when it is only viewed from one side of the whole.
I posted a link above, that is actually something written by Jewish people, themselves--and the core of the holocaust's great (although horrible) success is not Hitler, but rather the Zionists. Hitler did what he did, no doubt--and it is heinous no matter what. But it was exacerbated when it could have been helped and somewhat alleviated, although I doubt prevented--history was already turning. But if not for the fervent desire by the relatively small Zionist agenda, to occupy Palestine at all costs, even that of children, many Jews would have been given refuge in the US, Britian, and many other countries. The 1948 treaty was not the 'result' of the Holocaust, but was part of its cause (as far as severity) in the first place.
Quote:"[Ben-Gurion stated] 'If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second - because we face not only the reckoning of those children, but the historical reckoning of the Jewish people.' In the wake of the Kristallnacht pogroms, Ben-Gurion commented that 'the human conscience' might bring various countries to open their doors to Jewish refugees from Germany. He saw this as a threat and warned: 'Zionism is in danger.'" Israeli historian, Tom Segev, "The Seventh Million."
Quote:"Zionists in America...took the same position. At a May 1943 meeting of the American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs, Nahum Goldmann argued, 'If a drive is opened against the White Paper (the British policy of restricting Jewish immigrants to Palestine) the mass meetings of protest against the murder of European Jewry will have to be dropped. We do not have sufficient manpower for both campaigns.'" Peter Novick, "The Holocaust in American Life."
After WWII the Zionists were a much larger group--even if not really in number, by comparison to the non-Zionist Jews who survived the Holocaust.
I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I also don't see betrayal as something
just limited to 'sell out their neighbors' in the acute situation--but also extending to such a situation that cost many lives of one people for the promotion of one group's agenda. The Zionists were a 'certain class'--they were not the European Jewry, and they were most definitely led by those who had the money and wherewithal to sway beaurocrats and buy land in Palestine.
Men will sell out their fellows, across all so-called 'blood bonds' if the price is right. And sometimes 'price' isn't all about money or even survival but about beliefs. And the belief in this case is rooted directly back to the biblical history that both Christians and Jews feel they have a right to.
And that is my point with all this. Like I said, I don't wish to offend anyone, but I also don't mince around facts that have been minced around
for too long already. I'm not for or against any part of the mess. That's why I avoid labels like 'Zionist.' Maybe I should have just come right out and said it, but I didn't.