Mortkat wrote:Are you so dense, Debra L A W that you really think that "opinions" can settle such an argument. I have my law professors, you have your law professors. That and A dollar and a half will get you on the trolley.
I'm dense? You apparently don't understand that this is a
discussion thread in a political forum. If you want ride the trolley rather than discuss the subject of this thread, go ahead.
Quote:For a law expert,you really are dense.
Really? If only you had entered this thread on page one and told us all how dense we were for talking about this issue, you could have saved us a lot of time and 125 pages of discussion space. Where was your profound wisdom when we needed it?
Quote:As a law expert, you might be able to tell me how long that will take? I have an idea but I would like to hear it from an expert.
Based on past experience, I expect it will take a few more pages of discussion and you will leave crying.
Quote:THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION( which, you wisely have said nothing about) IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO THE POLITICIANS WITH AN ELECTION COMING UP. The politicians are only interested in the argument if it has "legs". If the polls show that the American People are largely in favor of the President's position, the issue will die except in the Ivory Towers. Don't you know that?
Oh really? I posted a poll wherein 85 percent of the responding members of the public were of the opinion that Bush should be impeached. I posted that right after you posted your poll information. You post your poll, I post my poll; you have your law professors, I have mine; you have your legs, I have mine (and I have no doubt that my legs are a lot nicer than yours).
If you're now claiming the issue will die in the Ivory Towers, why were you previously claiming the courts will settle the issue? As always, you are inconsistent and can't remember from one sentence to the next what you said.
Quote:You did take some classes in Poly. Sci, as well as Constitutional Law, did you not?
Did you take ANY classes in how to make sense?
Quote:Are you going to tell me that the typical American Voter will react negatively to the President's alleged malfeasance?
Objectively reasonable persons would see the President as someone who lies to their faces while he's violating their civil rights behind their backs:
"Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."
Quote:That is what the politicians are looking at and if you don't think the election of 2006 is five hundred times more important to them than anything FISA said you are really naive.
Okay. The politicians should worry about getting elected so they can sit in Washington D.C. and enact laws that are totally unenforceable and meaningless. Do you really think the members of Congress are going to allow the President to negate their role in our constitutional system of government and make fools of all of them? I wonder who is truly naive.