Thomas wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:It is partisan hysteria to refuse to acknowledge that there is at least a possibility that Bush acted in good faith.
Red herring. Acting in good faith does not put anyone above the law, including the president.
Not at all
If you will reread what I wrote you will not find that I have argued that merely by acting in good faith one becomes immune from the restraints or requirements of a law.
What I am arguing is that it is possible to break a law in good faith, and even if one is convinced that Bush broke the law, it doesn't necessarily follow that he did so to establish a tyranny.
The notion that he did is not based on facts, it is based on personal and partisan animosity for him. If a person like Naftali, who makes his living by knowing what is happening in the world of national security, and who has available to him all of the periodicals, newspapers and websites available to the posters on A2K, doesn't know how the NSA program is operating, it is ridiculous to think any one on A2K spouting off about impeachment and tyranny does. All of these statements about him repeatedly breaking the law and lying to us which are made with such absolute certainty and authority are at best opinion and at worst partisan blather.
Despite the absolute confidence of so many
A2K legal experts that Bush broke any law, that has yet to be established and if and when it is, it will not be in this forum.
It is certainly reasonable to be concerned about the possibility of the President exceeding his executive authority. It is certainly reasonable to be concerned about surveillance that is conducted without court warrants. It is certainly reasonable to want more information so as to be able to determine if the President has overstepped the limits of his authority and circumvented the law.
It is not reasonable to assume the absolute worse reading of the situation and it is not reasonable at this point to be calling for blood.
It is clear that while there are reasonable people who are concerned about this issue and not inclined to give Bush the benefit of the doubt, it is also clear that partisans have seized the issue in an attempt to politically harm the President.
The same sort of thing happened with Clinton and it wasn't any more uplifting or decorous. It is particularly more loathsome, to me, because we are at war.