The FISA Court judges will soon be meeting to be briefed on the secret Bush order.
Judges on Surveillance Court To Be Briefed on Spy Program
From the article:
Quote:The judges could, depending on their level of satisfaction with the answers, demand that the Justice Department produce proof that previous wiretaps were not tainted, according to government officials knowledgeable about the FISA court. Warrants obtained through secret surveillance could be thrown into question. One judge, speaking on the condition of anonymity, also said members could suggest disbanding the court in light of the president's suggestion that he has the power to bypass the court.
Disband the FISA court? If the President has the power to eavesdrop without a warrant, there is no need for Judges. There's a more frightening idea than any terrorist could implement.
Quote:The FISA law does include emergency provisions that allow warrantless eavesdropping for up to 72 hours if the attorney general certifies there is no other way to get the information.
Still, Bush and his advisers have said they need to operate outside the FISA system in order to move quickly against suspected terrorists.
How much more immediater can immediate be than doing the wiretap and THEN asking for the courts approval? Here the administration has argued that Bush's way is more immediate than the immediate allowed by FISA.
Quote:Bush has made the distinction between detecting threats and plots and monitoring likely, known targets, as FISA would allow.
Bush administration officials believe it is not possible, in a large-scale eavesdropping effort, to provide the kind of evidence the court requires to approve a warrant. Sources knowledgeable about the program said there is no way to secure a FISA warrant when the goal is to listen in on a vast array of communications in the hopes of finding something that sounds suspicious. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said the White House had tried but failed to find a way.
Aaah! So it IS large scale eavesdropping on Americans without cause or suspicion. Just cast a wide net and see what comes in. That's the first I've heard them admit to that.
Quote:Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said the White House had tried but failed to find a way.
One government official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the administration complained bitterly that the FISA process demanded too much: to name a target and give a reason to spy on it.
"For FISA, they had to put down a written justification for the wiretap," said the official. "They couldn't dream one up."
And, if they can't dream one up, it must not be allowed by law. Did they think there might be a reason for that? Did they think about that? No, they just secretly make up their own law. And, THAT isn't right.
Quote:"There is a difference between detecting, so we can prevent, and monitoring. And it's important to note the distinction between the two," Bush said Monday. But he added: "If there is a need based upon evidence, we will take that evidence to a court in order to be able to monitor calls within the United States."
And, just what might that difference be, Mr. President? Are you saying you can't prevent an attack through monitoring communications? So, your monitoring communications between a couple of guys in California sharing an apartment with an FBI guy back in 2001, but if you had been "detecting' instead, you could have prevented 9/11?