Sorry cola - I disagree....
I'm defining the marriage not by opah, dr. phil, or any relegion. I'm defining it by the vows that two people make to each other.
It's interesting that reid picked out the traditional wedding vows that don't include the one about remaining faithful (keeping myself only for you)
It's easy to search the internet and cut and paste those vows, just like I did and search out the version that includes the faithfulness vow.
That's just showmanship.... The real living up to your vows comes when the rubber hits the road, and you realize this is f*cking tough going. You make get really horny for someone, who really wants you. BUT, you took a vow.
Love does show grace, compassion, and mercy....that's the fun part of love. Love also shows a hard core of steel that the two of you are one, and no one can break that. Love and marriage is when 2 people are forged together. Love is not for wusses cola.
I show no condemnation - reid already knows the answer, she just didn't want to hear it.
The part about not knowing much about this marriage is a cop out....You can say that of almost every single person who comes on here and has a situation. Of COURSE we don't know much about this person. But living long enough and being observant enough does develope one's skills of reading between the lines.
cola - I don't know much about you yet, but you have said yourself you are young. That's no crime
, but what seems like love and commitment at one point in your life can and should change drastically as you mature.
I read somewhere, and it is so true, that we have become a "click" generation. At work, at play, if something isn't right, we can just click it away, or click a change, as if the original never was.
For reid, and mark my words, no matter if this marriage lasts all their lives, ends badly, or even ends on good terms, the fact that her husband had sex with another woman will always be THERE. There in her heart, and there in her mind. You may say it is not an issue, you may tell yourself it is not an issue, you may come to believe on various levels it is not an issue, but it's always going to be THERE.
Bella - we know each other well enough to know our stance on marriage. I'd say we are in the the same pew, as it were.
I'm just not so sure about a marriage that starts out from the very beginning with a willingness to share the most obvious outward sign of love.
I'll have to think about that. But on first pass, that wouldn't seem like much of a marriage to me. It just would never be equal, since I believe one of the partners would most likely take advantage of this open season on sex, and one of the partners, maybe even the same one, would develope jealously of the other.